Oct 25, 2017


Today I will enjoy my paper and damn good while listening to the construction crew outside the bedroom window move piles of rocks around from place to place with the loudest construction machines on the planet.

I will tidy up the apartment by making the bed, emptying the dishwasher, and fluffing the sofa cushions.

I will sit at the dining room table and organize my budget, pay bills, and clean out my appointment book.

I will write ten more thank you notes.

I will write a Target list, clip my coopuns, and fetch my reuseable bags.

I will go shopping at the Targets and will sit down when I need to and I will leave everything in the car for my Jersey Boy to schlep.

I will put my eighteen year old sweatpants back on and I will go into the cube room studio for one hour.

I will make us a healthy and delicious dinner.

I will stitch...something...anything.

I will brush my teeth, wash my face, and pat Stewey's little box before going to bed at a decent hour.


(blank stare at the walls)

I will chuck the manifesto into the bin, click on the TeeVee and watch Flosstube videos all day, order Mexican food for dinner, and stay up way too late fretting that I didn't get any stitching done.

(At least I'll be able to say I accomplished one thing on the damn list...right?)


  1. It's Futzing day! Of course you should chuck the list in the trash!

  2. You make my day as always!! Sounds a lot like my days, most of them end in the chuck it manner ;) Just make sure to enjoy yourself :>

  3. I love that word Futzing! I feel like today is going to be a Futzing day at my house. :)

  4. The joy of lists is,trash-canning them. Tbis is your life and you are in charge!! Mexican food for dinner sounds perfect!!!

  5. Organization is overrated. Don't believe the hype.

  6. You introduced me to Floss Tube and I love every bit of it! Enjoy your Mexican Food!!

  7. You can't say you don't have a plan (plans). You are too funny.

    Sandra in Texas

  8. Don't you just love to make a list and throw it away. I feel like making the list is enough work for the day.

  9. Enjoy your Futzing Day, Coni! Perhaps a small bit of time in your studio could be squeezed in.

  10. The list was way too ambitious. Except for "brush teeth, wash face, and pat Stewey's little box before going to bed", and don't worry about a decent hour. Maybe a few stitches in Autumn Squares or some Red Velvet Cake? Or just admire the items going to the show??

    Susan aka Anonymouse

  11. Love Futzing day!!! MY definition: doing a lot of Futzing and getting nothing done! Loving every bit of it! Love, hugs & prayers, Cathryn ♥♥♥

  12. My beloved Aunt used to call her Futzing day, "it's time to k-nuggle in my drawers...(getting life in order)...LOL
    wish we had captured her merry swagger and self-satisfied facial expression on film...priceless... Our very own Auntie Mame.....

  13. I love reading your blog! You always make me realize what a joy life is if you just look at it the right way --- throw that list away! And smile while you're doing it!

  14. In our family a futzing day has always been known as a PJ day. Highly recommended! Enjoy whatever you have or haven't done today and celebrate it!

  15. At my place, it's a crocodile day. Fill up the moat, let the critters out, and spend the day in my pjs. All in all, a very good thing.

  16. Since when does one make a list on futzing day?? Plan b looks good to me!

  17. My to-do list never gets done either. :)
