Aug 5, 2017


It's 10:30 pm and I am:
Flat out plumb tuckered right out.

I don't think I've been in bed this early since the fourth grade.  And my stitching progress best.  Somebody seems to have unplugged me and then, just to see if I was paying attention, hit me with all of the stupid side effects of this thing of mine all at once.

I feel like I am encased in cement and trying to run a marathon...short of breath, schvitzing like a pudding at a picnic, and feeling like I am doing everything under water, backwards, and in high heels.  

But I am so ridiculously happy to be here that a little pain and huffing and puffing isn't going to stop me.  Tomorrow is a new day, and I am going to just let it unfold.  If I can't walk very fast it will just give me more time to look around, right?  

So...night night, dearies.  Let's see what adventures await us!


  1. I feel your pain. I am working on a 5 mile hike for suicide prevention in October. I did a 5 mile yesterday to see how I would do. Today...4 pain pills, feet and ankles swollen and I have hard time standing. But its a good start and a good excuse to stay in and stitch.

  2. Coni, take it easy and sleep late on Sunday.

  3. Sending love, hugs & prayers. Please take care. Slowing down is a good idea. Don't worry about your stitching progress. Just enjoy the experience. Cathryn ♥

  4. Dearest Buttercup,
    It's a whole new day. Indiana Robin here, wishing you good stitching, good company and, if the fates are aligned, a damm good cup of coffee :) Do what you can, and consider it all good. Best wishes for a best day. Hugs and love, Robin

  5. Early to bed, early to rise?? Tell me you were the first stitcher in bed and I'll be shocked. My experience is that some are still stitching (the night owls) when others are ready to get up (early birds, bird watchers?!). Run with what your body tells you - no pun intended. 😏

  6. Coni, hope you had a good rest and sleep. Today is a brand new day. Enjoy your time retreating; it isn't a race with the stitching. Thinking of you!

  7. Rest, relax, excuse yourself for your naps-- the only expectations put on you thus weekend will be put on you by yourself, Coni. Trust me, your friends want you well and happy, and your absence at the stitchy tables for a bit here and there is OK. Enjoy your change of scenery. Wishing you the best. We'd like to see you have a good weekend and return home refreshed and rejuvenated. Keep well. -p. (in hot hot hot AZ)

  8. Hope you had a lovely rest. Go slow and savour your time. Stop if you need to! I bet the excitement and stress of being somewhere different ( and wonderful!) has had an effect on your body. You don't need to be the energizer bunny after all.

  9. Just place the beautiful bellpull before you on the table and let it speak for itself and you...the oohs and aahs should suffice. More importantly, reeeeelax, and enjoy the
    companionship of kindred spirits as you indulge in stitchery talk. Only when you look back over your shoulder
    a week from now will you concede that this was more doable
    than you had supposed. Use this respite to reinforce your
    determination. You do sound blissful, dear one.

  10. Hope you are feeling better today! Just stroll along, see the sights, enjoy. Take care!

  11. get some rest and feel better soon. Don't push yourself so hard pace yourself and have fun.

  12. Coni, hope you had a good rest and sleep. Today is a brand new day. Enjoy your time retreating; it isn't a race with the stitching. Thinking of you!

