Aug 25, 2017


Sorry for the hashed metaphors there, Dearies, but I have received so many emails expressing concern that I wanted to send you into your weekend with the reassurance that all is well.

All is well.

August was an incredibly active month for me.  Between the retreat, dinners, appointments, and my new adventures at the pool, this butterfly was social indeed.

And that, my friends, just positively exhausts me.

Now that I'm older, I realize that it's perfectly OK to be an introvert and painfully shy and a complete and total social misfit.  You might remember that there was a period of time there when I didn't leave Chez Spinster for weeks and weeks at a time and that I could go a month or longer without any human contact at all.


In the old days, when the world became too much with me, I would just announce a blog break and then just stop writing altogether.  Now, though, I have come to rely on a daily check in as a means to follow my progress or to record whatever shenangin has come at me most recently.

But sometimes I need to de-people.  I need to pull up my little shell and go quiet and get back into my head and just re-charge my rusty old battery.  The hyena (remember him?!) used to berate me for this and tell me that wanting to be alone was an illness and that I had to change it.   Well-meaning relatives sent me articles about agoraphobia and told me to join a dating site, and people that didn't know me at all commented that it just wasn't normal to want to stay at home on a weekend with stitching and books and Ina episodes for company.

You, dear friends, get me though.  And you know not to take it personally and that my ego is still big enough that it requires a daily dose of Spinster Nation and all of the love, joy, and happiness that brings.

I'm stitching and reading and binge-watching and cooking and floating and sleeping and re-charging.  Next week will be full again with labwork and meetings and visits with the transplant team.  The weekend, however, is still going to be quiet...sushi for dinner tonight, playtime in the studio tomorrow, and hopefully a warm and sunny pool day on Sunday.

So that's it for now.  Nothing dramatic or life-changing just yet.  Just me...being me.

I hope that your weekend is off to a swell start and that whatever it is your heart desires comes to you in spades!  Do something fun, or quiet, or people-ly, or non people-ly and come tell me all about it!


  1. Prayers that next week will be filled good news and great results, and what time is dinner? Love sushi.....

    Prayers continue......

  2. You have to do what works for you Coni. I went out for a lovely Thai Cashew Shrimp with my husband, then fell asleep in my stitchy chair for two hours when we arrived home. If its what your body or psyche dictate then you don't have any choice. I'm heading out tomorrow to pick up a turquoise Bakelite Singer sewing machine circa 1959 my Antique/Vintage friend has in her shop to add to my collection. Can you imagine my husband's comment when he heard this, to which the response was, "of course I need it, I only have three sewing machines at the moment, and its my money anyway!" Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Phooey on those who don't understand that being satisfied in your own home is b.l.i.s.s! You go girl! Enjoy your hermitude.

  4. How many can live with themselves as well? So many tangents to your personality, that it requires your brand of introspection... Your weekend plan sounds ideal... it should gird you for the coming week, which I am hoping will bring you reassurance and hope. Relax and enjoy...

  5. People may call me anti-social, but I prefer home where I am at peace, comfortable and doing what I want (or what needs to be done). I appreciated your post of pictures. I knew you were ok and appreciated them for what they were. You can't do anything or be anything but you and for you at the moment. There are many people who feel that way. Take care. and as usual... Love, hugs & prayers, Cathryn ♥

  6. My best weekends include parking the car Friday after work, and not using it again until Monday morning to go back to work. I also prefer to be at home, with plenty to keep me busy and happy.

  7. I totally get this! I'm exactly like that. Thank you though for the quick daily picture or saying that lets us know you are there. We know you'll write something eventually.

  8. Coni, totally understand you. I like people but they make me tired sometimes. I too am perfectly happy being at home, need peace to re-group. It is so nice to get to an age that u accept this as the way your made and it is just fine! Enjoy ur w/e.

  9. After working a full week, husband and I really enjoy relaxing at home. We love to do our crafts - he woodworking, me- quilt making, baking and cross stitch. Nothing wrong with enjoying our home and quiet time. You do what you need to do that makes you happy Coni. The word 'anti-social' sounds bad. To me I enjoy people but I also enjoy "down time", quiet time or just being quiet and enjoying silence. Love reading your blog---enjoy your weekend Ms. Coni. Here is hoping next week is wonderful for you!
    Cindy from northern Illinois

  10. I love my quiet weekends of doing a whole lot of nothingness (is that really a word?). and from a selfish side - I want you well and back writing Down the rabbit hole for Needlepoint Now - so miss our stories, like a good paster you sometimes lose me along the way, but aways bring me home at the end. Take care of you and enjoy your quiet time, pool time or your darn great cup of coffee and hopefully the NY Times cross word puzzle.

  11. I love being at home. For so many years raising children I was always on the go-go-go! Now, it's mostly hubby and me and one or two others in and out. But I love being able to relax and go slowly at home when all is quiet and things slow down. I can putter around my home for hours. Nancy

  12. I am SO glad I read your post today! I have always needed more alone time than the average (I'm also a portly spinster...). Lately I seem to need more than usual. I was feeling guilty no less when friends would call and ask what I've been up to. (Uh, not much...). Sometimes there is a pause before the conversations begin again. I imagine the thoughts going through their heads. It will end. I will eventually get bored with myself. I will eventually initiate contact. Until then, I am enjoying the silence and after reading your blog, not feeling guilty.

  13. Coni, thanks for letting us know how you are doing. I, too, tend to love my home alone, stitch, tv marathons, cooking what I want and the comfort of home with no schedule. There is nothing wrong with finding your comfort zone and snuggling in! Enjoy your w/e!

  14. Have a delightfully peaceful weekend. We all need quiet time at some point in our lives. A weekend of stitching bliss? Sign me up!

  15. So agree! If I had the choice, I would do the same.

  16. Glad I am not the only one who craves silence and/or alone time. Also, glad you are doing what you need to do for yourself. Keep on keeping on.

  17. Stitchy photos are proof that you're functioning and attending to your well-being.

  18. Have a delightful and relaxing weekend doing whatever you desire, Coni! I like being at home doing whatever (stitching, reading, vegging out). I think bliss is whatever makes you happy.

  19. I am so glad to see that I am not alone. People I know seem to think something is wrong if you actually enjoy being home or alone. Seems as though so many have accepted it as the norm to always be on the go and that to slow down must mean something is wrong with you.

  20. I know just what you mean! We have had a lot of company this month and while I love these good friends, I really do need a week or so of NO company and NO obligations to regroup! Just stitch and read and.......breath!

  21. I agree with you and i just adore the term de-people! I am taking it into my vocabulary. This weekend is yard work, yard work and a little garage cleanup. Ugh. Trying so hard to finish a project but life keeps butting in. Enjoy playing with threads!

  22. Love how you've allowed yourself to be you!

  23. Some of my favorite days involve going nowhere, seeing no one and just quietly working on my needlework or quilting. No apologies needed. Everyone re-charges in their own way!

  24. I'm right there with you, Coni. Fortunately I have a husband that understands and accepts my introverted nature; just as I accept his extroverted nature. He has friends that he goes out with. I am always free to go with him and sometimes I do, but mostly I just love to stay at home and do my own thing of....nothing. in fact, though I control it pretty well, I can't stand having people even come to my house! A part of me feels like my private, sacred space is being invaded by people who don't treasure or respect it. I can be the perfect hostess, but secretly wish that the company or the event was someplace else. Crazy, I know. I do love people....I just don't need to be with them all the time. In a nutshell: enjoy your alone-time. It will keep you sane in the long run.

  25. Miss Coni - I know exactly how you feel and I think i could hole up in chez spinster next to you for the same period of time. Sometimes my whole weekend is on the couch and tv with a bit of computer time and stitching thrown in.

  26. I get you! :) I love to de-people every once and awhile.

  27. Stitchy photos are proof that you're functioning and attending to your well-being.
