Jul 31, 2017


Apparently, we're now starting all the things.

I decided to have a stitchy Sunday yesterday, and just as I was about to pick up the Sunflower Bellpull, something started calling to me from the cube room studio.
This is Summer at Cherry Hill by Brenda Gervais.

I purchased this quite a while ago and had never stitched it because of my linen selection.  The chart calls for 40ct Sand from Picture Thus Plus.  For some reason, I must have been feeling very very brave at the time, because the piece of linen that was cut for this was 36ct.


Despite my very best attempts with several different magnification contraptions, I just couldn't see the holes very well.  I was just starting to fret about this when I remembered that I had purchased a fat quarter of 28ct Wren, and if I could only remember where I put it...


The Wren is actually perfect for this, in my humble opinion, and looks even better with the threads than the Sand would have.

So I plopped myself into the Happy Chair and enjoyed my Play Time with this until it was time to hit the hay.

Nothing on the agenga today.  I might try a little spiffing and fluffing to occupy a minute or two, but methinks I might also take a book to the pool and float about a bit in the sunshine.  Tomorrow will be filled with labwork and doctor visits, so I might as well enjoy some peace and quiet.

At Cherry Hill!


  1. This is a great piece to have fun with, Coni!. By all means go by the pool and read and float. I am so envious. Sounds delightful. :) Love, hugs and prayers, Cathryn ♥

  2. But did the Sunday Times ever arrive?!

    Susan (aka Anonymous)

    1. As our heroine The Stitcherista would say..."That's a whole lotta NOPE on that one!" 😡

  3. Hope you were able to plow through the times and am now
    going to recover with the ongoing Cherry Hills (used to live there in CO) then a good read and dip at the pool.
    Just remember to follow your sound daily agenda.. The very
    best to you tomorrow.

  4. I am curious - since you enjoy reading and have to spend so much time in doctors offices (my hat is off to you for that between my mother & husband I get to do that)do you have books on your tablet so you can take it with you to read? Most hospitals have wi-fi so you can also floss tube?? Have fun in the sun today!

    1. Hi, Dale! I have a "go" bag with a library book and some other things to keep me occupied...usually forgot the iPad at home, so go the old fashioned route!

    2. I love my Kindle because it holds umpteen books and is so much lighter than an iPad. I never leave without it, and its small enough to fit into
      My purse.

  5. I'm voting for pool time and book...Enjoy! Prayers for tomorrow, too.

  6. Very pretty. I've not used Wren yet, but hear it mentioned on flosstube often. I'm using Doubloon by PTP on a project now and love it. I'm trying to get used to 36 ct.-mostly because I'm cheap and want to use 1 strand of floss rather than 2! I use a magnifier and glasses and it's getting easier. I bought a piece of 40 ct. to try, haven't used it yet. I better hurry up-at 63 my vision isn't getting better. Enjoy the stitch.

  7. Good start on Cherry Hill! Enjoy the book and pool time today along with more stitching. Will be thinking of you tomorrow and hope your appointments go well!

  8. Oh I DO love that!! I may just have to wander over to 123 stitch...

    Did your paper come yesterday?

  9. Love this pattern and that fabric is perfect.

  10. I've been tempted by this design. I love the fabric you're using.

  11. I have this one too! I bought it in Paducah, KY, at Must Stitch Emporium. Maybe I need to get started . . .

  12. Oooh, I love it. I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun stitching this. Enjoy your visit to the therapy pool.

  13. Love that thread on that fabric!! Great swap I think :)

  14. Good start on Cherry Hill! Enjoy the book and pool time today along with more stitching. Will be thinking of you tomorrow and hope your appointments go well!
