May 15, 2017


What a lovely weekend was had by all here in Hoosierville!  Lots of sunshine, sweetly tweeting little birds, good healthy food to eat, and rest.  Lots and lots of rest.

I can feel myself physically declining, but I am learning to adjust.  The old days of going like a bull in the proverbial china shop are on pause at the moment, but being careful and measured is a good exercise in moderation for me.

Today I will start the sorting, purging, and packing process here at Chez Spinster to get ready for the move to the Little Home That Love Built.  I spent some time with paper and pencil mapping it all out, so methinks it will be smooth sailing.  I understand there was a whole trend about minimalism and letting clutter go, so as usual, it looks like I am a bit behind the times but following the herd nonetheless.

You will be happy to note that the first thing I got organized was my stitchy stuff.  I decided to go with the cube system from the Targets, and wouldn't you know...they're on sale this week!  My studio here has everything built in, and I didn't thing the next occupant would appreciate me taking lock, stock, and barrel with me, so I needed another solution for housing all the goodies.  I'll be sure to take lots of craptastic pictures once it's done so you can see that I had a Target gift card and wasn't afraid to use it!  (Actually, it's about seven Target gift cards...Bargain Betty here always buys her laundry soap, etc when they have the deal with gift cards, and I save them up and use them for something bigger than a roll of paper towels).

That's just good Target shopping right there, kids.

Yes it is.

I had a long chat with my sister yesterday afternoon.  Things are still very...different than they were a few years ago, but I am learning to accept the change.  I spent 50 years on the planet thinking that she and I are two halves of the same whole.  The realization that this is not so was like a thunderbolt, but I am slowly coming to terms with the fact that we are not at all alike...we are vastly different in many many ways, but that's OK.  I don't need to be her boss, her Mommie, her parole officer, or her psychiatrist.  I just need to be her sister and let her do her thing.

Oh...and there is that whole kidney thing too.

That, however, is not something I can control at the moment.  If she is able, the nice people at IU will see to it that it happens.  I just need to stay in my lane, mind my own damn p's and q's, drink my lemon water, and get on with it.

My goodness!  So much navel gazing for a Monday!  Well, this little tangent will conclude this portion of the program, I promise.  My head positively hurts from so much thinking, so as of right this moment I am going to get back to Bear of Very Little Brain status and stop with the thinking.

Me and the thinking?  Not such a good combination.

So it's off to the lab for a test that they weren't able to complete last week, and then it's home to a little sorting of the things, lots of laundry, and hopefully even more lots of stitching in the Happy Chair.

I hope your Monday is everything you want it to be!  Do something fun and come tell me all about it!


  1. Good luck with your packing, sorting and purging. Look forward

  2. I love this newsy, meandering post. You're covering all the bases in your life so well. Keep putting one foot in front of the other. You're doing great!

  3. I've read your blog forever. Reading your blog made me come to some decisions about my own rotund self. I'm tired of being tired and, unlike you, I'm the cause. So I decided to pull up my big girl panties and get moving. Today I pick up my new e-bike. Hopefully soon I'll be pedaling along without the aid of a motor. But for right now, I'll accept my limitations just like my inspiration.

  4. Great Target shopping Coni. You sound like your on the right track. Keep up the good work! Love, hugs & prayers, Cathryn

  5. Coni, none of my business, but I am glad you and your sister are on a better footing. You don't have to be best buds, but you will always be bound together. Really none of my biz, I just felt bad about your split.

  6. Hope the test went smoothly! Good luck with the sorting, purging and packing! Thinking of you!

  7. Things will eventually work out.

  8. Things will eventually work out.

  9. Things will eventually work out.

  10. I agree with gracie! This lady has a good attitude. So do you Coni!! You have many blogees ( is that a word? It should be if it isn't) who are in your corner!!

  11. That is our Coni; ever accomplishing. You are so organized
    and efficient, it should all fall together to your satisfaction. Those cubes sound like a great system for
    your stitchery. As to your Sister, be patient and allow the prayers being said for you to perform their influence.
    All will be well.....

  12. As a person with physical issues who's also moved more than she cares to think about, let me suggest you get a timer? Use it to pace yourself - how long you work, and making sure you give yourself decent breaks. It's a trick I learned from FlyLady's site that has helped me work within my limits and saved me a lot of pain and grief. Another de-cluttering tool she's taught me is "If you haven't used it in a year and/or it does not make you smile, you won't miss it." The smile part is huge. If it does not make you happy, it hasn't earned a spot in your nest; it needs to be freed to find where it belongs. Be good to you, sweetie.

  13. I love how you don't dwell on the negative side of things and just keep moving on. Can't wait to see your new place, I am sure it will be just as beautiful as your home is now once you put your Spinster Stitcher touch on it :)

  14. Does playing Mah Jongg and going to the Ballet count as a good day? Then I had one. Hope your's will get steadily better too. Love you.

  15. Just pace yourself and don't overdue. My last two years were full of not so sweet surprises. God has a way of letting you know just who's in charge. ...And I thought it was me;-\ Oh well, like Gracie says, "it will work out." Have a beautiful day!

  16. From reading your blog for several years, I know how close you once were with your sister. I hope your relationsip will eventually get back to what it once was and that she decides to donate her kidney. If not, things have a way of working themselves out. I am glad you have a positive outlook on things and are forging ahead with the new apartment, health issues, etc.
    Much Love,
