May 29, 2017


I seem to have struck a nerve with my daily blathering about this packing and moving thing, so I thought I'd take a moment to explain what's in my tiny little brain.

(I have chicken and peppers roasting in the oven for fajitas later, so I need to distract myself a bit until they're done.)

One of my besties is a tiny little itty bitty woman named Denise.  She and I went to high school together in Lima and became fast friends when she cornered me in Study Hall and figured out my life for me on a piece of notebook paper.

As long as I knew her, Denise's way of relaxing was to mentally walk room by room through her dream house...imagining its decor and furnishings.  She could tell you the exact cabinet she would put her dishes in, what her summer bedroom would look like, and exactly how many big fluffy towels would be in the bathroom.

Well...that's exactly what I have been doing with this new apartment...only my daydreaming has more to do with space and what will make it into the moving van than anything else.  I have mentally walked through every square inch of the place and have made careful notes about what is going where.  I can tell you where my big ass pear picture will hang and on what wall Mom's Jasper caninet will look best. I know where the Happy Chair is going to sit, and I think I have an idea of how to corner the big girl sleigh bed.

On Thursday, I will get the keys and do the walkthrough with the agent, and when she leaves I will pull out the painters tape and measuring thingie and block off where stuff will go.

As I pack, I only take the stuff that I absolutely have a place for.  And, since I have a fair amount of time before I have to be physically out of here, I literally leave what's not going in place.  My sister will have first dibs at anything she wants, and then I have a pretty good plan for what's left over.

It's kind of ass backwards to do it this way, I know, but I knew that I had a very limited amount of physical energy to make this move happen.  Packing is (to me, anyway) the most critical thing to get done efficiently, and so far the process has been really smooth.

Thank you for your good advice to NOT take a bunch of crap that I don't have a place for.  To that end, I went back upstairs today and re-packed four boxes...eliminating a bunch of stuff that I had been dithering about.  So now I am 100% positive that every single thing in the studio is wanted and will have an exact place to live.

This is definitely the start of a new life for me, so I suppose that it is completely appropros that I am shedding so much of the past.  Now if I could just figure out how to purge this head of mine, we'd really be onto something!

OK...time for dinner.  Bosco and I are going to take it easy tonight and enjoy each other's company before I take him home tomorrow.  Then, I had better get some laundry done or the EPA is going to launch an investigation!

Still haven't packed the office, but methinks tomorrow will be the day for that!

Hope your weekend and holiday (if you had such) was swell!  


  1. I think (This is dangerous) that we all have a path to walk. I also think that no one should take issue with anyone else's path. I know from my past experiences that moving can be extremely traumatic. Sounds to me that you are doing a great,job!!!!

  2. You are so smart!

  3. I am in awe of your organizational skills! I'm hoping to shed a lot of unused stuff in our house before we're too old to do it. (Don't want to stick our kids with it). I may have to get my organized sister out here to help! Keep up the great work, I'll be taking notes.

  4. Well-done, Coni! Well done. ♥ Love, hugs & prayers, Cathryn

  5. Yes, I think you are on target with the down-sizing strategy. Mom and Dad went through it last year (needless to say I went through it with mom in great and painful detail) and being able to leave things in place that you are not sure you need, and taking only what you are sure you have a place for, to start, makes so much sense. We were able to find a place for everything at the new, smaller space, and add a few things that were left behind as space allowed, or a need arose. They had a few months to get settled in and make some adjustments.....before the rest was either donated or auctioned. It is good you will also have some time before the house has to be empty. Prayers continue.

  6. I don't think it's ass backward at all. Very smart and efficient.

  7. I say "God Bless" the Texas Stitcher........... she said exactly what I would have liked to say (and it's not just because we're in the same state :+} ). Having endured four moves plus having to empty my parent's home I've lived the trauma. I have so much faith in you. You're doing an excellent job. You are more organised and logical than you may know. Carry on. The fajitas sound delicious.

    Sandra in Texas

  8. Coni, I think you are one smart cookie with this packing up for CS2.0 and only packing/taking what you truly love and have room for. Enjoy your fajita dinner!

  9. I never doubted for a minute that there was a method to your madness.

  10. Sounds terribly sensible to me. You are doing a fab job.

  11. I think your plan is excellent. Your movers will love you, too; you'd be amazed how many people are still sorting out on moving day what goes, what stays, and where things go in the new place - like Moving Day isn't hectic enough as it is.
