Apr 20, 2017


I always told you dearies that I take craptastic pictures...guess who gets to go back to the St. Joe tomorrow for another set of tests?

(I'm not even going to think about what they saw or what's going on in the inner depths of me that requires me to do this again.)

(Can I just pretend that they thought I was cute and wanted to get to know me better, or that they left the lens cap on or something?)


  1. Oh, my dear, remember you are not alone, first a loving God goes with you and He will give you strength and you have many, many, many supporters that love you and will be praying and cheering you on. I am starting both right now!

  2. Yes, you can pretend. They probably didn't get them clear enough to read. Try not to fret or worry. Let us send prayers and good thoughts to you! You did the BIG test already, this is just a blip on the screen! Praying.....

  3. You got it right the first time - you just take craptastic pictures. It was probably blurry, out of focus, you know - craptastic!

    1. I agree, it isn't you--it is the film or the technician or the equipment. You got this, Coni!

  4. I am so sorry you have to go through this again. You are in my thoughts constantly and I am sending heartfelt prayers. ♥ Hugs & Prayers, Cathryn

  5. Thinking of you, Coni! This time, it will be a piece of cake. You can do this.

  6. Oh, definitely it is your charm that they call younback!

  7. Oh, definitely it is your charm that they call younback!

  8. Take them a different color of Watercolors tomorrow to enjoy. Seriously dear lady you are the best. Today was for practice, tomorrow is a launch.

  9. You will be a pro at it tommorrow. They only need a different angle. Keeping you in my prayers!

  10. Just remember all your loving friends are right there with you. You have so got this xx

  11. You forgot to smile! Everything​ is going to be fine dearest Coni, I'm sure it's there screw up. We're​ all praying for you.😘😘😋 Blessings Baa

  12. Well, rats. As Pat said, today was the rest run. Tomorrow is Lights, Camera, ACTION! You will be fabulous, darling!

  13. Remember to smile and your pictures will be fabulous!

    ...and don't forget to breathe!


  14. You totally go this girl, they just need clearer pictures. Remember, you got this, and between God and you and the on-line cheerleaders, you more than got this. Hugs.

  15. Coni, we'll all be praying for you extra tomorrow. I also think the pics weren't clear enough for the doc, and picky docs are good. Please keep us posted, as we will all be thinking of you. Kathleen

  16. I'll be thinking of you again. They probably want different angles.

  17. It had nothing to do with you except they saw the biggest heart full of verve and have to double check... Just bring
    your talisman skein of watercolors and announce.."It's the
    pictures that got smaller.. so tell Dr. DeMille I'm ready again for my close-up..." Praying you through this second,
    hopefully easier run, Coni dear. No longer the unknown.

  18. Prayers haven't stopped. We are still with you!

  19. I agree. My first thought was that they need a better picture of something. Still praying for you.

  20. Instead of one skein - take a handful. I've been there and done all of this. They just didn't like the way the pics were taken and/or turned out. It's not you. It's that they just want you picture perfect... Then they will tell you everything is just fine. Love you, Connie. Everything will be great. Kiss Ms. Bosco for me. Get a good night's sleep.

  21. Geez Coni, I step away from the blogs for a few weeks and all heck breaks loose...but as always you are handling it all with grace. I'm so glad that Bosco is there for a visit and some Auntie love :)
    Hang in there kid, you are strong and we are all circling the wagons for you ♥️

  22. They forgot to get that floss number - realized how therapeutic it was for you to hold it. So can't tell you the truth - they all want to learn to stitch !!!!

  23. You've got this, Coni! We are all there with you!

  24. Sounds like the technicians are trying to get everything covered,a thorough job,which while alarming to have to go back again is also good that they are being so thorough.Just keep hold of that skein,positive thoughts coming from here.

  25. Just remember we're all there with you, holding your hand through this x

  26. They are being very thorough. You're lucky they are being over cautious. Deep breath, try not to worry. keep positive thoughts.

  27. Oh jeez! I hope things are going smoothly today! And I am glad they are taking extra good care of you!

  28. I'm going with "Wow there is nothing wrong with her" pictures. Or it could be that they just need $$ for new shoes. Remember who's in control and He has you in his palm.

  29. Hope everything goes well today. Remember I'm only a hop, skip, and a jump away if you ever need anything.

  30. Absolutely they love you and just want to see you again! Heck. They probably left the lens cap on on purpose. 😄
