Mar 29, 2017


So part of the mystery of my recent bout of meltdowns seems to have been solved.  In addition to the health, emotional, and other factors causing me to lose my mind, I got my sleeping out of whack.

And this, I can tell you, can put a person right over the edge!

In an effirt to triage, I now take myself to bed at midnight and have the alarm set to try to get me iup at the same time each day.  And if I need a nap in the afternoon (which I almost always do), I am trying to limit it to an hour or two rather than the full seven I used to do.

The only problem with this new schedule is that when you start stitching at 11pm because you bobbinated all evening, you don't want to go to bed at midnight.

So you cheat and finally force yourself to put the stitching down at 1am instead.

This adulting thing is for the birds, I tell ya!

Just a little progress, but progress nonetheless!


  1. I hope you can get your sleep scheduled regulated soon. I'm a nap person too. I just read something yesterday that you really should only nap for a maximum of 45 minutes. Nice progress on your new project.

  2. You are off to a good start on your new project, Coni! Good luck with getting your sleep schedule regulated and back on schedule.

  3. Don't ya just love it! NOT. Do love your progress, however. Hugs & Prayers, Cathryn

  4. I've had some of the same sleep problems of late. I've found that Advil PM really, really helps. I was surprised at how much it has helped. If your docs say you can take Advil, try the PM for a couple of nights to reset your body clock. I have also limited my naps to 45 minutes and I set an alarm or I'd sleep and sleep and sleep. Totally love your current start. Keep up the good work.

    1. Alas, I have more pills in me than a Wallgreens, so adding more might not be feasable. I do know, though, that Advil is a big no no for my kidneys, but I will definitely ask my doc about the Tylenol version!

  5. I agree with Pamelaric above. Take a little helper to get your sleep cycle back on track (just a couple/3 nights). My Dr told me that once you get into a pattern of wakefulness you need to break it. Maybe start heading to bed at 11 and then you'll be there by midnight if you dally. I LOVE that you started with the doggy.

    1. Yes...I couldn't imagine starting this piece anywhere else BUT the doggy!

  6. Perfect starting point on that pattern! That little dog looks familiar <3
