Aug 30, 2016


If you'll indulge me, I'd like to answer some questions from you, my faithfiul friends.  I have been remiss in doing so these last few months, but between running a Stewey hospice and keeping myself from finally going completely get the gist.

Robin asked about my propensity for starting my pieces at the bottom.  I do this because I have the feeling that if I don't the stitches will all fall off the bottom of the fabric.  Weird...I know, but I feel like I am building something and start from the ground/foundation and work my way up.

Golden hair stitcher wants to know who I watch on Flosstube.  Will you allow me a few more weeks of playing with this before I answer?  Right now, I go to YouTube and type "Flosstube' into the search area and then just click away until my eyes cross.  I don't know how to select favorties or look for specific people yet, but...stay tuned.

Karen had a dream that Stewey was in her house.  I hope he behaved himself properly and that you had a moment to cuddle him and sniff his baby shampoo warm fuzzy little lovey self.  We had a very rough night last night, so reading that he was in somebody's dream was quite comforting.

Dale commented that Bosco and Stewey looked like they were getting along famously and asked if they were now sleeping together.  Um...not so much.  Stewey just doesn't have the patience for Bosco lately, but has decided to stop baring his little bunny teeth and growling whenever Bosco comes within eighteen feet of him.  

Elisa commented that Flosstube is mostly cross stitchers and wondered if there are any Flosstubing needlepointers out there.  Good question!  I would love to know the answer to that too!

needlenut10 wants to know what I will do with Olympic Good Stuff once completed.  Well, I have to imagine that it will go into the pile with all the other finished pieces...waiting for their final destiny.  

Grandma Andi made a nice comment that I am stitching while dealing with all that life is giving me at the moment.  Actually, i think I'm stitching BECAUSE of this crazy bit of bother.  It really is saving my life, as are all of you and this here blog.  Guess I should stick with it.

Kristen wondered if radiation might be an option for Stewey.  Thank you for the suggestion...I don't remember the reason, but I think Dr. Niemann mentioned that we wouldn't be able to go that route with him.

Melinda thought that the music might be the reason that synchronized swimming creeped me out.   To be honest, I didn't even realize that there was music involved...I was too busy getting creeped out.  maybe it's the nose plug thingies?

capecodgirl565 gets a shout out for using the word "feckless".  I love that word and wish I used it more often.

LIZ asked if I have ever considered writing as a profession. Oh, dear kind of you to think that I might fit into that world.  I think, though, that for now I will just stand in the lobby and press my face up against the glass.  I admire so many good writers that I would never imagine being able to live in the same space.

Suzanne asked if I've watched You've Got Mail lately.  Would you be surprised to know that I've watched it twice this week, and it's only Tuesday?  What can I say?  YGM is the equavalent of a Xanax for me and given the goings on around here, I am reaching for it more and more frequently.

Cactusneedle gave me the excellent suggestion of replacing my dietCoke addiction with sparkling water.  To that end, I have invested in my very first pack of LaCroix.  I think you might be right on the money about the bubbles!

Both Gracie and Heritage Hall asked if I would be posting pictures of my haircut.  My dears, all I can say to that is...have you met me?  If I ever do post a picture of myself, it will be me sporting a brown paper sack over my head while standing behind a Range Rover.  But, thanks for asking.

CalamityJr solved the mystery and the math of Michael Phelps wingspan versus the height of the women's gymnastics team members.  Remind me to give you a gold star for that one, Calamity!

Bunny S wanted to know the issue of Needlepoint Now from whence Twilight came.  It's the March/April 2016 issue, Bunny dear.

I think that's it for today.  As I mentioned, we had a rough night last night, so methinks I might scoop my BabyDear up and head back to the big girl sleigh bed for some cuddles and a nap.  It's a little gloomy here today, and I did manage to get a few things done yesterday, so I won't feel too guilty about it.

Happy Tuesday, kids!  Please keep those questions and comments coming and forgive me for being so remiss in getting around to them.  I'll get better at it, I promise!


  1. You know you've made it big when you make posts for viewer mail. :D

  2. Hello. Just a warning about the canned water. I love it and drank it like crazy when I gave up Diet Cokes. After about two weeks I thought I was going to explode. I had gas so bad. My daughter has IBS and can't drink it either. The other child buys it by the trailer load and has no problems so you may have no problems but with your Crohn's I thought I would mention it in the event you did have new symptoms to think of the canned water.

  3. I also am creeped out by synchronized swimming. Maybe because they are upside down so much - it's just not natural. Also, how does their makeup stay on in the water? What is it made of? And where do they find all those girls who look so much alike? The creepy factors are endless.

  4. Such a fun post. I've been watching the fabulous Twisted Stitcher on Flosstube. It's been so long since I did any finishing that I needed some ideas and a refresher course.

  5. Coni, thanks for your viewer mail post and thank you for responding to my starting at the bottom question. I am not a fan of the synchronized swimming either. Enjoy the cuddles and the nap.

  6. Re the synchronized swimmers, I didn't watch them much this go round. Didn't care for their dental floss suits. Why is it the men can wear stuff that covers them more than the women are covered? The male gymnasts are able to perform in long pants. Why do the ladies have to be so "cheeky"? I was afraid our one American gymnast was going to have a wardrobe malfunction the last night of competition. Sigh. I know, I'm a prude.

  7. Re the synchronized swimmers, I didn't watch them much this go round. Didn't care for their dental floss suits. Why is it the men can wear stuff that covers them more than the women are covered? The male gymnasts are able to perform in long pants. Why do the ladies have to be so "cheeky"? I was afraid our one American gymnast was going to have a wardrobe malfunction the last night of competition. Sigh. I know, I'm a prude.

  8. I love You've Got Mail too! In fact I named my beloved pug Brinkley after Tom Hanks dog. It is my go to movie when I want to feel comforted. I hope Stewey can feel comfortable these days and you love on him as much as you want.

  9. Coni, Love your Viewer Mail posts. Hugs & Prayers, -Cathryn

  10. These are are few floss tubers that you might try:
    Rachel Dannewitz
    Nicole's Needlework
    Abi Bellestitch
    Primitive Stitcher
    Tricia @Three Owl Threads
    Tracy P.
    I'm enjoying the number of younger stitchers and the variety of projects.
    You have such a great sense of humor, you should do a video!

  11. I love the Q&A, you should do this more often! I hope you and Stewey had a lovely nap!

  12. Fun post Coni! I hope Stewey feels better.

  13. Here's hoping you have better nights coming, and some good naps. I noticed Golden Hair Stitcher mentioned Nicole's Needlework on floss tube; I love her posts, and I so identify with her and her stash. Have fun on floss tube.
