Aug 25, 2016


We've been so completely off kilter around these here parts that we decided to make today all about re-kiltering.  I don't have one clue as to what that means, exactly, but stay tuned...Spinster v9.0 is on the horizon!

A little stitching yesterday afternoon, but not enought to crow about.  I am determined to finish this piece before the end of this weekend, though, since I am just crazy excited to start something new.  I am kitting it all up now and will show you as soon as everythig is in its little plastic box.

Happy Thursday, kids!


  1. Looking forward to seeing the next special project!

  2. An occasional rekiltering is always a good thing. Hope it worked!

  3. Hope today was a good day. I'm excited to see the finished Olympic project, and really excited to see your new project! You've dropped a couple hints now so I can't wait for the Big Reveal :-D

  4. Hope today was a good day. I'm excited to see the finished Olympic project, and really excited to see your new project! You've dropped a couple hints now so I can't wait for the Big Reveal :-D

  5. I love your "rekiltering." I didn't know what to call it when I do it. Always helps to have the right word. I hope all goes well. I really do appreciate you sharing both projects and life with us.
