Jun 16, 2016


Hmmmm.  I'm not sure if I like v2.0 any better than v1.0, but for now it's going to stay right where it is.  I am worried about the thread coverage, though, so I might need to address that by re-thinking the perle cotton.

Today is cool and cloudy, which means I am going to enjoy it with an extra cup of damn good coffee and a book and some stitchy time later this afternoon.  I have an appointment and then a few errands to run, but before I know it I'll be back in the Happy Chair again!

(I swear, if I could figure out a way to put a steering wheel on this thing and motorize it my life would be complete.  This Happy Chair love affair is the longest relationship I've ever had, and despite its shabby brokendown appearance (and my shabby brokendown appearance too, for that matter) methinks we're in it for the long haul.  We both need a good scrubbing, though, so I suppose one if us had better get into the shower before we're late.)

Here's hoping that your Thursday relationships are all perfectly swell and that your needles are flying!  Do something fabulous and come tell me all about it!


  1. I deal with the thread coverage problems in Bargello by always using a colored canvas, and by using Silk and Ivory for all my solid color stitching.

    1. Me too! Pearl cotton just doesn't come in quite the right size for Bargello.

    2. Liz, I learned about Silk and Ivory from you!

  2. Love the color selection! Since you're a reader, wondered if you have heard of the author Kate Morton? Huge fan of her style of writing and thought you might like to add her to your reading list if you haven't read her books already. Just thought I would share. Happy Stitching and Reading...

  3. I also like Silk and Ivory for upright stitches, it's a fuller thread that covers better than #5 perle cotton. But #3 perle cotton works for those Bargello stitches too and is much cheaper.

  4. I LOVE v2.0.....really quite a difference in seeing it against v1.0. The colors just seem more attuned to the design in this rendition. Good alternative!

  5. I love v2.0! I can't wait to watch this design develop as you stitch it. I also struggle with perle 5 coverage in straight stitches. My usual solution is to switch to Vineyard Merino.

  6. Possible over stitching with matching floss color. Or, even contrasting color in selected areas. Two strands split - one on each side of #5 Perle. Smaller needle size so as to not enlarge opening. Will fill-in areas without frogging and restitching. Practice on scrap canvas first, to see if you like result. I've done this with happy results. Just a suggestion.

  7. I like v2.0. I have no suggestions on the coverage. Hope your appointment goes well. And Coni, thanks for the chuckle about motorizing the Happy Chair.

  8. Wow, Coni, so pretty! :) Cathryn

  9. You always have such wonderful color choices.

  10. I read your blog religiously but never post. I'm not a "postie" person. But I do want to tell you that I'm amazed at your talent for putting colors together. I love the canvas work you do (something I can't do) but I miss your cross stitching. And as someone above posted.......thanks for the chuckles.

  11. This is a learning piece, so it's obviously your choice. You can always wait and see how it develops. Thanks for the comic relief, we all get too much "real life". We love your fun life!

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    do not heat up any part of the glass on your rig!

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    instead (:
