Dec 23, 2015


So there I was, minding my own business, when my fabulous new gastroenterologist said "Gee, Miss Rich.  I don't see any reason for us to have to do that colonoscopy next Wednesday.  Unless something comes up, I think we're good to wait another six months to a year."

And then, without thinking about the fact that this was a) my NEW gastroenterologist and, therefore, not yet fully initiated into what it means to have to deal with me, and b) that I was outside of my house and not, in fact, sitting in my Happy Chair wearing my eighteen year old sweatpants and old man Hanes t-shirt that I fished out if the bottom of the laundry basket...I jumped up, kissed him full on the face, and hollered WOOOOO HOOOOOO!

The truth of the matter is that the actual procedure doesn't bother me in the least bit, and the resulting confirmation that I've managed to dodge the colon cancer bullet a little longer is well worth having to eat green jello for a day.  I also do not fret the prep, since I read somewhere that Gweneth Paltrow spends a ba-jillion dollars a month to have somebody clean her plumbing for her, so I figure if it's good enough for Gweneth....

The part of the colonoscopy that I most dread is the prospect of somebody new being subjected to my heiney parts.  It took me damn near 20 years to get used to the idea that my old doc was going to have to witness all the glory that is me, and now I have to go through all of that with a new guy?  No, thank you....I prefer to succumb to that sweet sweet anesthesia drip with the comforting thought that the healthcare professionals assigned to my nether regions will NOT, in fact, require trauma counseling.

So it would appear that a Festivus miracle has happened right here in Hoosierville and I can remain fully clothed and unexposed for the duration.  Egg nog for everybody!

Stewey (and Bosco!) and I are doing laundry and housecleaning today in preparation for.....well, not much, actually.  We're going to be very very quiet at Chez Spinster this year, but I did promise a little field trip to view some Christmas lights if everybody behaves and we get our chores done.

Progress continues on Victorian Ribbons.  I promise a picture soon when it's not so darn gloomy that it makes everything look like we're living with the Addams Family.  I get it...we're not going to have snow for Christmas.  But does it have to be 48 and MISTing?!


  1. Glorious news! I hate the prep for my colonoscopy. I was relieved to find out that I didn't need one for a few years. [My follow-up ones are to keep track of IBD rather than possible colon cancer, which was eliminated (tee-hee) as a probability the first time.]

    Can't wait to see your progress with Victorian Ribbons. I like your customization.

  2. What a great Christmas gift to receive! Very happy for you! Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!

  3. Sounds the doc, gave you a great Christmas gift. Happy Holidays!

  4. Congrats on not having to (unwillingly) bare your booty for Christmas. My last procedure was performed by one of my student's parents, Coni! I don't know what I would have done if it had been a former student. I just don't know! Enjoying our 90-degree holiday here in South Texas! Tex-Mex on the Christmas menu.

  5. Oh good grief, seriously??? ROTFL...

  6. Oh, uhn er Coni....there is some porn spam above...

    Merry Christmas to you and Stewey...xo

  7. Merry Christmas to you, Stewey and Bosco! I was wondering how he was doing, haven't heard much about him lately. Maybe a portrait of Stewey and his cousin?

  8. Merry Christmas, Coni, Stewey and Bosco!

  9. Wonder-dog (that's texan for whoo hoo). Getting a procedure of that sort is akin to winning even a medium sized lottery. Congrats to you and Stewey!! I wish you and all my fellow Spinster Stitcher blog reader a happy holiday season and lots of snow (soon) for those of you'all who like it). Hugs to all!

  10. Wonder-dog (that's texan for whoo hoo). Getting a procedure of that sort is akin to winning even a medium sized lottery. Congrats to you and Stewey!! I wish you and all my fellow Spinster Stitcher blog reader a happy holiday season and lots of snow (soon) for those of you'all who like it). Hugs to all!

  11. Good news and a good reason to celebrate this Christmas.

  12. That is great news!! Merry Christmas to you and your sister and your sweet pups!

  13. Good news! I will be having one in 2016. Lucky me.
