So thanks to all of you out there in Stitchy Blogville who are getting your Spring Cleaning 2012 grooves on, I am proud to report that I too spent the last two days upstairs making the world safe for democracy.
The Spinster Sisters Stitching Studio has been cleaned to within and inch of its life. Phew!
In this corner, we have a lovely little chair that usually has a sleeping pup on its seat.
(You might notice, however, the pink baby blanket just to the right of the bookcase. This item must be perfectly fitted into the seat of the chair before You-Know-Who deems it an acceptable place for a snoozy nap.)
(Oh, and that little table? That was Mom's. The lid lifts up to reveal little cubbies for sewing items. Apropos, no?)
White walls! White ceiling! White Martha magazines in the endcap of the long table! Methinks we're going to have to do something about all of this white. Aunt Chrissy? Are you up for a trip to the Home Depots?
Ahhhhh, threads. And beads. And charts. And doo dads.
(And a really really crappy black desk chair that desperately needs to be taken to the curb on the next trash day.)
(Note to self. Ask Aunt Chrissy to assist, or you're certainly going to end up in the ER after falling down the steps carrying said chair.)
Only the Shadow knows for sure...
This next pic is for my friend Betty. Betty writes to me at least four times a week to tell me that she a) hates my ever-loving guts, and b) wishes that I would stop blogging about my crappy life and just show pictures of my crappy stitching. (Hi, Betty! Here I am! Picking up your gauntlet and running with it, girl! Write again soon! I can't wait to see what about me p***es you off tomorrow!)
This one's for you, Betty. This one's for you.
(Oh, and in case you were wondering, this is a WIP, which means that I'm also shamelessly copying THAT group of stitchers who decided to stitch their WIP's this year too!)
(How's THAT for a coherent sentence?)
I had to write and tell you that I love, Love, LOVE your studio! I want to be just like you!! Thanks for sharing and inspiring.
I have to agree with Nina. What an absolutely gorgeous room!!!
ReplyDeleteYou've just gone and made me jealous about your craft space! And drooling too! I want to know what it is you have in those sterlite drawer cabinet thingys - the threads and the brand names and the amount you can stash in said drawers. (Because, I don't have a craft/stash space, and until I do, I have to live through folks like you - not a bad thing to my mind!)
And hey, do you any storage suggestions for a Kreinik stash lover wannabe?
Hugs and Love to you, Stewie, Aunt Chrissy and Bosco,
Jennifer from Honesdale
Ohhhhh.... I want to come stay in your stitchy room for my vacation this year.... I'll sleep on the floor, so I don't disturb His Highness!
ReplyDeleteOh - and isn't criticism the sincerest form of flattery...?? (We'll say it is!)
What a remarkable room. I am pea-green with envy :). All I have is an organized-to-within-an-inch-of-its-pitiful-life walk-in closet that once belonged to my vet-school son. I share your love/drive (let's not call it obsession, that has such a negative connotation)for organizing that simply staring at your pictures is enough to send me upstairs posthaste to reorder my stitchy things. BTW, do have a Container Store in your neck of the woods? A dangerous, yet happy place. Elvis the kitty sends Stewy his best regards.
ReplyDeleteEdited--I'm mortified--I left out the "you" in my question about a Container Store!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd to Jennifer, I put my Kreinik in Floss-away bags, by number and weight, then hang them in numerical order on large rings on belt hangers I found at said Container Store. My overdyes are stored likewise (without the plastic bags but by company. The belt hangers hang from the top rack of the short wall of closet, well out of kitty paw reach.However, I'm sure our stitchy-role model/guru Coni has a much better method. (Comments need a spell check key :(.)
I hate your ever-loving guts now too, but only because I'm so jealous of your studio that my eyes have clouded over with a green haze and in stomping about in a jealous rage I just stubbed my toe. Thanks, Coni, for bringing out the green monster in all of us.
Hi Coni,
ReplyDeleteSWEET MOSES! That is one incredible room. With that being said, please be on the look-out for registered mail containing two airline tickets, First Class of course, for you and His Royal Highness. Destination- the Middle of Nowhereville. Upon arrival, I will shower you with copious adulation, Rice Krispie treats to keep you satisfied for a lifetime, and enough Merlot to float the Queen Elizabeth. Then, my friend, it's off to, what I lovingly refer to as, the Dungeon. This is the point where you will be ever so grateful for the Merlot! I want my room to grow up looking like yours!!!! See you soon.
I love your studio!! Mine is the same shape, but I don't have those lovely windows!! I really like the way you organizied the space. Oh, and not only does mine not have windows, it doesn't have heat or a/c - thank goodness for space heaters and window a/c's.
ReplyDeleteWhat an enviable lovely and organized stitching space you have! No wonder you always complete so many wonderful projects each year. Enjoy your cleaned and organized space.
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely green with envy on your space. I wish I could be half as organized! Sigh! Something to shoot for I guess. You have a wonderful room.
ReplyDeleteDang it! Now I have to go clean my crafty room...{stomp stomp} {{grumble grumble}}
ReplyDeleteOh and Hey Betty......Bite Me! Leave Spinster alone!!!
Great room! Our bedroom has sloped ceilings (so does my craft room, but it's white). We couldn't figure out where to stop the paint, so we went the whole way and painted everything. Because of the light it gets, everyone thinks the ceiling is a different (lighter) color. We love how it came out. (Behr River's Edge)
ReplyDeleteI love your stitching room. I am a quilter who dabbles in cross stitch, I could easily see myself setting up shop there to sew.
ReplyDeleteOhhhhh, my. FANTASTIC studio! Looks lovely, fantabulous, stupendous. Great WIP!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful stitching/craft room! Mine, unfortunately, is dark and messy. Plus, I'm a quilter too, so it's REALLY cluttered.
ReplyDeleteSuch a lovely room. :)
ReplyDeletewow, awesome looking room. sigh
ReplyDeleteLOVE your studio! I could so use a space like that, but I'd have to move, there's no room in my current house! However, my question - would you please define "spring cleaning"? I'm unfamiliar with that term! :-)
ReplyDeleteWhat an awesome stitching room; I have a small bedroom at our house that is just for my "stuff" but it is not as neat as yours. It really needs to be cleaned within an inch of its life..or my life...or something. Is Betty nuts - I so look forward to reading your blog everyday at work and it is all I can do not to read it aloud to other people. I do laugh out loud sometimes though. Keep writing and stitching. Thanks for all the fun!
ReplyDeleteWould you adopt me and allow me to live in that room?
ReplyDeleteWow.....I told Scully why can't we have a nice studio like that. She said that having put 2 kids through collage and a husband who has a thing for BMW motorcycles I was luck to afford floss and dog treats. It is just beautiful. Think I'll go arrange my sewing basket and dream........Trudy
ReplyDeleteI am so jealous of your studio. It is wonderful!! I want one. Looking forward to seeing the progress on your WIP
ReplyDeleteyour studio is to die for! Here on the east coast I have a couple of bookshelves (the fold-up kind) to put all my current stuff into. Then there are the underbed boxes and stacked tubs (not see-thru) with the overflow. Anytime I want something I either buy another, or have to take it all apart. UGH!
Keep inspiring me and I may evict dh from HIS studio, and take it over.
Girl You are way to organized for me I am jealous.
You have a gorgeous stitching room! I am ashamed of how mine looks. Guess I need to make time to clean up this year, lol (and finish getting the trim up on my walls).
ReplyDeleteLOVE your WIP!!!
Love your studio girlie! I heart your sense of organization. I'm working on it. But I'm no Spinster Stitcher!
ReplyDeleteYou say you can't decorate? That is utter nonsense! Your stitchy room is beautiful!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing the pics! it is inspiring and makes me want to rearrange my entire house! Hugs to you and Stewie!!! Can't wait to see the "after" pictures when the room is painted.
ReplyDeleteEvelyn in springlike Newport News VA
Love, love, love your studio! I have this sudden urge to clean though, not so happy about that. (jk)
ReplyDeleteI will be so happy to move into your studio, keep it clean and of course place Sir Stewey's pink blanket just the way he likes it. Wow, what beauty of a room. I will show you where I stitch but afraid Sir Stewey will fall out of his throne laughing;-)
ReplyDeleteblessings, jilly
I am jealous that you have a room, all of my stash is in plastic containers. Some in the bed room some in the living room, I have first dibs on my daughter's bedroom as soon as she moves out for good. When that is going to happen nobody knows. No wonder you stitch such beautiful projects. Lucky you:-)
ReplyDeleteOMG - please bury me in that room. I want to be able to look at all that stash forever!!!!!! What an incredible room. SOOOO jealous
ReplyDeleteYou are a riot !!!! :) everything you said makes perfect sense.. I too own "bat-wings" I love mine..
ReplyDeleteI'm so jealous. I have to wait until my girls are out of the house before I can have a stitching room. Do you think 9 and 7 is too young to send them to college?
ReplyDeleteLove your stitchy studio space! So well organized. You gotta love that!
ReplyDeleteWould be fun to join you in your studio plotting out projects.
Maybe someday I will be able to have my own room...
Thanks for the inspiration.
What a tremendous space! I'm in awe of your organizational skills. After having put everything in it's place, don't you find it a bit tough to mess about in it? A little disorder amoung the order is always good for my creativity. Happy Stitching!
ReplyDeleteI say bring back batwing jumpers to disguise the said batwings, the kids won't know what hit them lol ;p
ReplyDeleteJust love your room - gorgeous
cool room - sure is organized...I am sure my room for my sewing, stitching and all else is just organized chaos! And I love reading your blog, just the way it is...after all, it woudln't be Conie if you changed it. So it brings me to wonder, why do people keep visiting blogs if they don't like what people have to say? And why would you comment and such...why not find one that suits your reading enjoyment - I know my time is limited to do that kind of thing, so I only read my favs - and you are certainly one of them!
ReplyDeleteYour studio is awesome!! Wow! I am a needlepoint stitcher - I make custom pillows of people's animals from their favorite photos - so much fun...glad to have stumbled onto your blog -- your dog resembles 'Uggie' who deserves an Oscar for his work in "The Artist'
ReplyDeleteAnother talent. Rearranging craft areas expertise is badly needed by many over stash enhanced stitchers. Hopefully one day you might do home visits and sort out my room, which my friends call "the wharehouse".That is if we can get in the door.
Wow, what a room, I bet it's even fun when it's covered in projects. Have you ever considered a big contest where the winning stitcher gets to spend a day with you in the crafty room, and with your little dog too. I'd participate. CJ in OK ;-)
ReplyDeleteOh LORDY!! What a sublime studio!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! You should see my sewing room...wall to wall crammed with untidiness. Christmas stuff still in the middle of the floor. *sigh*. I would like your room please...white walls and all.
ReplyDeleteYou have a hater? You have indeed arrived!!
Kisses to Stewey and Bosco...
I saw this and thought of you:
You have an admirer! Well he admires all stitching spinsters but I'm sure he's thing of you in particular.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI was so excited to see your new room I deleted myself! Anyway, it looks wonderful...How far in advance do I need to make my reservation to come and stitch? I really like the Clip It Up storage...where did you find it? Wonderful place to escape to...enjoy...
ReplyDeleteI don't know who would be mean to you! I think you're the best thing I've found on the old Internet in a long time; you have a terrific sense of humor that makes me smile and projects that make me want to ignore my work and stitch! Jeez Louise, I just don't get it.
ReplyDeleteYour studio is awesome and what is making me want to go home and clean mine is that the layout (even the skylights) is just like mine). No, seriously, it really is - it would be identical if I were tidy and organized - LOL. You're inspiring me.