Jan 27, 2012


I can hear you chanting "GO....GO....GO....GO!". Methinks the second season of Mistresses will get me through to the finish on this one, don't you? Have a great weekend, everybody! Woo Hoo!


  1. I know my Texas WooHoos make it all the way up there to Hoosierville! I have enjoyed your blog so much I started one of my own. Check it out at stephsstitching.blogspot.com.

  2. So pretty..... You have such wonderful taste in picking out projects :)

  3. Anytime I stitch something by Paulette it seems to go so fast! They're also so much fun to make - I'm currently working on a Plume Street design now

  4. Lovely colors. Looking forward to seeing your finish.

  5. YOU CAN DO IT! So far so good. ;)

  6. Mmmmm...love that one! Bet it's fun to stitch!

  7. Go go go Coni!! I swear, you have a turbo needle, you stitch so fast!! Love this one...

    Kisses to Stewey and Bosco...

    (you DO kiss them for me, right??? ;-)

  8. Wow this has gone fast! Don't you just love Paulette's designs? You amaze me with how much you accomplish in a month! Happy Weekend, hugs to Stewey.

  9. I think your Happy Chair is magical. You can stitch faster than anyone I know. Love all your pattern choices.

    Have you watched Once Upon A Time? on Sundays.

  10. Great start - you stitch so quickly. Please tell me you have an army of elves standing by, ready to pick up where you left off when you head off to the big girl sleigh bed. I'm sure Stewey would bring them refreshments as they stitched away the night.
    How do you keep up with it all?
    Lovely work.

  11. dust is beautiful - and the wall - awesome!! aren't those ham cheese crescent things yummy - saw them on a commercial and wham, hubby and I had to have for dinner!

  12. Looking good, can't wait to see the next progress pics.

  13. I love love love pine trees and the little "dust"ing of snow in the background is so very pretty. I'll wager you are doing a Happy Dance and we'll see a "fini" by Monday? Hope so! I have that same needle minder, so Royal, n'est-ce pas?

    I have a needlepoint canvas on the way and have posted a pic of a finished example I found online. If you have a moment, I would love your advice as to what kind of thread/fiber/stitching would give me the look of the brown fur on Santa's ensemble. I think you have a Santa with furry accents from 2008? Anywhoose, I thought "I'll ask Coni, Her Very Self!"
