Do you think the stitches in the teal heart and the purple heart and the yellow heart are all too similar? And, since they are similar, does it make the stitches on the other teal heart look out of place?
Dilemmas, dilemmas.
A lovely reader asked for the artist information for this canvas. I am ashamed and mortified that I don't have a clue. This was one of the very first painted canvases that I bought, and at the time I had no inkling to record the information for future use. The name Alice Peterson keeps jumping into my brain, but I looked and looked on the webinets and couldn't find it. Please forgive me for this. I am a boob.
Thanks to some new allergy meds I am loopier than usual today. Methinks a nap might be in order. Night night!
Hi Coni,
ReplyDeleteNo they don't look at all similar.
Blame it on the meds and keep on stitching! :-)
Windy Meadow
I like what you're doing with the purple heart. If you mean that they are all kind of "open" weave, I see what you mean. But if you take out the yellow and do something less open, it will be kind of heavy on the left side of the piece. And you can't take out the purple. So that pretty much means you have to keep it the way it is, which I love.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSorry deleted prior post in order to edit it slightly.
ReplyDeleteI think all the hearts look great so far. And while the hearts you mention seem similar they are still diffrent enough (in my eyes) that the slight similarity only adds to the piece not takes away.
I also, think if you had too many totally different stitches with all those little hearts bouncing around and all the neat colors you are using it could get too busy.
but that is jmho!
I actually think the contrast between the two basketweave-type stitches on the first teal and lavender hearts/tied cross on the yellow heart v. the scotch-type stitch of the other teal heart adds extra depth to the piece, and really moves the eye right-left-right.
ReplyDeleteYou're the one who has to be happy with the Final Look though, even if the rest of us think it's amazing as is!
I think it looks lovely! Keep going!
ReplyDeleteI like the hearts the way they are - don't change a thing!
ReplyDeleteI like the fact that you have tiny woven type stitches surrounding the milanese/scotch stitches in the big purple heart. So you may continue. : )
ReplyDeleteI think that it looks wonderful just the way it is!!
ReplyDeleteI can´t see anything wrong with it at all, but I think you should finish it (for Stewey´s peace of mind) and then if you don´t like it, I´ll send you my address! :)
ReplyDeleteHugs to poor long-suffering Stewey.
Hi Coni,
ReplyDeleteWe were able to contact Cathy Rapoza (owner of Alice Peterson Co.), and she did confirm that it is Design #1469, Floating Hearts.
Thanks, Robin
I really like the stitches you chose, but what do I know? Anna made an excellent case for leaving it as is, and she seems to know what she's talking about.
ReplyDeleteConi, I think it looks great. The stitches are different enough to be interesting and similar enough to keep the piece focused. It's a fabulous piece already and you aren't even done. Can't wait to see that Happy Dance.
ReplyDeleteHi Coni, I think this looks absolutely beautiful as is so far! Can't wait to see it finished! Meredith
ReplyDeleteKeep it the way it is. I love all the stitches you chose, especially the stitches on the purple heart.
It is beautiful!
Sue n MD
First, thanks for your words on the padding and I love the Madame Mosley moniker - makes me sound slightly "naughty"! I may get shot here because I see everyone else loves it as it is, but I see your concern and would become OC about it, too. May I offer a suggestion? (I am under medication for sore knee so blame it on that, if you like.) Since the little gold heart had the big open space between threads, what if you added a bead or a French knot to nest in that hole in a shade slightly lighter or darker, like you did with the scotch squares in the teal heart? That would "balance the stitch styles a little and also give the little gold heart a little more substantial presence up against the bigger hearts? Just a thought.....
ReplyDeleteand one more thing i forgot to say: make sure you do the little green heart with an open stitch just like these 3 to balance it all the way around and then the big teal heart becomes a delightful stand-out focal heart because it is different. again, just a thougth... i love your work and yoru comments and Stewey -I have Delight - a blue-van persian who is a huge stitching helper... or so she thinks.
ReplyDeleteI love everything about it! What does Stewey think?
ReplyDeleteUnless some bolt of lightening of ispiration comes along and knocks you off your feet with an exact plan...LEAVE IT. It looks beautiful. The variance of the background hearts and the consistent way the dimensional hearts pop...speaks of a very talented creative stitcher is behind this piece. (IMHO).
ReplyDeleteI think your stitch choices are AOK.....the similar hearts add a little peace to the overall project. Hope you enjoyed your nap and are now back stitching.
ReplyDeleteI'm liking all the different textures which you are creating with the variety of stitches, didn't notice any anomalies. Lovely colours - Happy Stitching
ReplyDeleteI like it, Coni. And Madame Mosely had some points to offer which sounded good. Ah, what do I know.
ReplyDeleteWhat does Aunt Chrissy think? In fact where is Aunt Chrissy? Did you leave her somewhere and forget her?
I really don't know anything about canvaswork, but I think that what you have done so far is beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI think the purple heart looks FABULOUS. It just gives me a great idea for one of my counted canvas pieces that I have on tap.
It's looking great! Beautiful job!
I think it looks lovely..don't change a thing
ReplyDeleteYou are the one who has to be happy... so if it bugs you, then only you know if it has to change. Personally, I think it is gorgeous and my eye keeps traveling over the piece seeing similarities in colours and textures that make the whole piece a delight!
ReplyDelete"Do you think the stitches in the teal heart and the purple heart and the yellow heart are all too similar?"
"And, since they are similar, does it make the stitches on the other teal heart look out of place?"
I think they are perfect!
I think it is beyond wonderful and I lust after it. I have never done canvas, always counted cross stitch on aida, but reading your blog has made me consider stepping out of my comfort zone. I adore this piece as I am a huge fan of heart motifs. Sigh.