Feb 26, 2009


OK, so eleven minutes after my last post the fretting started. (I told you it would be ten, but I held out for that extra minute. Moral superiority, don't you know.) I looked at "Beyond My Heart" over and over again, in a scene right out of "Somewhere In Time" (you know, where he hypnotizes himself back in time), and I decided that the pink was just too darn bright. This was confirmed when good 'ole Aunt Chrissy came over with the GA Jasmine thread. (And I didn't even have to beg.)

As you can see, the Jasmine is a lovely light shade of lavender. The Tea Rose that I'm using is a little too pink and a little too bright. So out it comes. I will, however, keep the yellow Willow, since it's pretty damn close to the called-for Daisy. I'm sorry to disappoint y'all who commented that the pink was fine, but I feel that I must make this change for the sake of stitchy harmony here in SpinsterVille.

(You know, it occurs to me that if I put half of the mental effort that I use in fretting over stitchy dilemmas into world issues, I might actually be able to come up with a plan for peace in the Middle East. Q-snaps for everybody!)

After all of that fretting, I just didn't have it in me to start ripping out the pink, so I rummaged around in my basket and came up with this:
Woo Hoo for a little crewel happy dance! This took about five hours to stitch and it was easy breezy and very satisfying. I have one more kit like this (I think it's daisies). I also have all of Katherine's patterns in iron-on transfers, so that BAP in crewel just might become a reality after all. Either way, it was lovely to play with on a Wednesday evening:
Stewey sends his love for all of your kind get-well wishes. At the moment he is delicately prancing around the back patio looking for a place to potty. With all of the snow that we've had, his usual places are a bit "used", so he's decided which part of the house or bar-b-que grill would be best suited for a little watering. As long as it's not me or my furniture, I'm a happy camper.

Back to the laundry! I've unsheathed my sword and I'm going to slay this beast if it's the last thing I do today! If I'm not back in a day or so, please send provisions. (You know...stitching, a meal or two, Stewey, and a hunky British chef would be just perfect.)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. OK so I should check my spelling. My post was supposed to say:
    Oh how lovely you posted what you are giving me for my birthday? I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE CREWEL PIECE!

    Love ya

  3. Well, I must say, that I agree - now seeing the lovliness of the new thread :) So let 'er rip - so to speak...I don't envy you that job girlfriend :(

  4. Ooooh, I like the new thread color. Good choice. Try to enjoy your unstitching. Consider it a cathartic ... never mind ... that's crap. It'll get done when it gets done.

  5. Looking forward to more progress pics.

    Lovely crewel! That looks quite awesome. The designs are fantastic. I saw SAN-Q mag had a nice article on crewel (recent issue) I still have two kits in my stash. Maybe one year.

  6. You are right, as usual, the lavender is much nicer--softer.
    Glad the pup is feeling better

  7. I love your crewel work design! How unique!

  8. Oh, Coni.... how I do love your posts!! :) Hilarity and great stitchy pics... who could ask for anything more?? Have a great weekend!

  9. I love Katherine O's stuff! I keep pushing them at my nieces but I still can't get them intested.

  10. Your changes are lovely, and I admire your dedication to loveliness! The crewel work is very cool. I have tagged you at my blog... (or rather, am in the process of tagging you now)

  11. Oh I love the crewel piece too!!! Adorable!!! If Crys changes her mind you can send it on down to Virginia for MY birthday!!!
