Jul 7, 2024


Dearies, I'm afraid you're going to have to continue shenanagins without Yours Truly for another minute. I am just sickety sick sick.

I have absolutely no earthly idea what the heck is going on, but I promise you that I have every single doctor I know on speed dial.

My tiny little brain tells me that this is simply my gut misbehaving, and now that I am decidedly older (ahem) and only have one kidney (hang in there, BellyBean), it's getting harder and harder to bounce back from flare ups.

Tons of labs and cultures and tests have been taken, so once those come back we might have a better grasp, but until then, I am concentrating on hydration and keeping calm and happy thoughts.

I am stitching...here and there. I managed a finish of:
Please excuse the wrinkles, but getting it off the q-snaps and photographed was as far as I could get.

And I've made progress on:

In between there have been several days of doing lots of nothing at all, but that is perfectly fine with me for another little bit, if I'm being honest. The quieter I am, the better, I think.

Please carry on. I'll keep you posted and will do all of the things I'm supposed to do. In the meantime...what's new with you?


  1. Connie, I am so sorry that you are not feeling well. Fingers crossed for a quick recovery!! Stitching always helps so keep those fingers going!

  2. I'm so sorry Coni...sending you gentle hugs.....take care, touch base when you are able. Crohns ain't no joke.😣

  3. Glad to hear from you although I'm sorry you're not well. I'm knitting a shawl and rotating each week through four cross stitch projects. And I am receiving piles of batik fabric scraps to process and turn into charity quilts. It's good to have inside projects when it's too hot to breathe outside. Please take care and feel better.

  4. Damn intestinal meltdowns are no joke. Hope you are feeling better soon!

    Amy in NJ

  5. Was so looking forward to more pool reports this year. Sorry you aren't feeling so well. Sounds like you are really have internal roller-coaster.

  6. Coni, you have been on my mind and in my prayers. Sorry that you are continuing to deal with this flare up, but it will pass when it is ready. Your finish is beautiful and the progress on the floral piece is awesome. Keep up with the hydration! xoxoxo

  7. Hang in there Coni and keep having happy thoughts. You have been through so much! The piece you finished is beautiful!

  8. Oh Connie. I'm so sorry this won't let go. You are on my heart and in my prayers. Praying for Dr's wisdom in figuring out this plague!! I'm glad you are able to enjoy some stitching. Both pieces are quite lovely.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Thinking of you Coni and hoping each day finds you feeling better.

  11. Coni, When you are able, would you please let us know who the designer s for "With Thy Needle" that you have displayed.? It is beautiful!! Hope you are feeling better!!

  12. Feel better soon. Praying for a speedy recovery. Jean from Manitoba, Canada

  13. Coni, I am so sorry you are suffering with this. Praying for your recovery.

  14. Praying you through that you will rally soon and be back on track...
    Beautiful finish and pretty work in progress......
