Jul 6, 2024


This is a repeat post from many years ago, but today I celebrate the day in 2005 that my life changed forever.  

He was my baby from the moment I picked him up on July 6, 2005 until the moment I let him go on November 14, 2016.  This little creature was the best thing that ever happened to me and I miss him so much I think my heart will break.

Happy anniversary, Baby Dear.  Mommie misses you and hopes you are snoozing in a patch of sunlight with some daisies to keep you company.


  1. Your memories of Stewey are so precious, but there's no avoiding the sad truth that there can't be any new ones. Have you considered a new doggy? Not a replacement - that's impossible - but a new, different little friend who'd go for walks and keep you company, and love you in a different way? Does that feel disloyal? I don't think Stewey would mind: he'd want another little pooch to share love and fun with you, just like he did. What does Aunt Chrissy say?

  2. There is nothing easy about saying goodbye. Thinking about you today as you remember Stewey!

  3. I truly believe that we'll see all of our precious little friends again one day. Until then, I hope they are romping around in heaven and getting lots of attention. I know you miss Stewey so much. I have several --- well, more than several --- precious friends that I am looking for when it's my turn to enter heaven. Stewey will be waiting right there for you! Sending you a big hug! --- Barbara
