Jun 6, 2024


Jun 6, 2008


Well....climb aboard the crazy train, folks. After spending a year happily lurking on every stitching blog, I decided it was time to jump into the fray. This first post will be all about me, since I'm sure you've been perched on the edge of your chair just waiting for this very important information.

My name is Coni and I am the Spinster Stitcher. Now, for those of you easily offended by the term "Spinster", relax. It is my intention to reclaim the title and make Spinster Stitching the most fabulous thing on the planet.

I'm 42 (ahem). Never married, no children (hence, the Spinster). I live in Mishawaka, Indiana with my dog SteweyStewey is a nine-pound bundle of love dressed up in the form of a shorty Jack Russell terrier. More about him later.

I've been stitching since 2003 because my sister told me I was going to. She had moved in with me for a bit and decided that staring at the walls each evening was not her idea of fun in the big city. So we stitched. And stitched. And stitched.

In 2005 I converted the bonus room over my garage into a bona fideSpinster Stitching Studio. Pictures will follow, but I must warn you that my alternate name was The Anal Retentive Stitcher. You see, it's all about the organizing, and I do confess to spending countless hours up there tidying to my heart's content.

I do it all. Cross stitch, needlepoint, canvas work, and hardanger. I'm taking a crewel class in two weeks, so my attempt at becoming the veritible Spinster Stitchy Goddess will surely follow.

Here's what I can promise you, my faithful readers: 1) I'll try to keep the swearing to a happy minimum. 2) I won't go on and on and on about my Stewey, who just happens to be the love of my life and I would marry him in a heartbeat if only he could wear pants. 3) My stitchy pics will be blurry, out of focus, generally terrible in terms of lighting, but somehow "hopeful".

So buckle your seatbelts, kids. We're off!


  1. Coni, I love your blogs. You should gather them all up and create a book. You can self publish, and if you do, I'll be the first on the list to buy it. Thank you for giving me so many laughs over the years.

  2. I have enjoyed sharing your life through your blog. You are an amazing woman! And you are a survivor. Stewey, Aunt Chrissy and JB are your supporting cast . Here's to another VXI years!

  3. I don't remember when I started reading your blog. It's been a long time ago though. Thank You for taking the leap into blogging, and for keeping it up for 16 years.
    And thanks to Aunt Chrissy for getting you started with needle and thread, because I started reading due the stitching posts.

  4. Happy Blog-a-versary Coni!! You keep me inspired with your keep-up-the-good-fight health journey, your prolific stitching and your stellar sense of humor. Some days your self-deprecating jokes remind me to not take myself so seriously. I always look forward to what you've got to share. Have a great weekend!

  5. Coni, I have been reading your blog for years. I read the first several years from start to finish when I found you. I have laughed and cried with you, and love the way you deal with life’s ups and downs. Here is to another 16!
    Christina in Florida

  6. I too read all your past blogs after I found you about 5 years ago. I appreciate you!

  7. Happy 16th blogaversary!!! I have been enjoying your blog almost from the beginning and am so excited that you are still here to share it with us, Coni!!! I am so happy that you received your new kidney and have laughed and cried as we travelled through the last 16 years. Thank you for the gift of you!
