Oct 8, 2023


Well, Dearies. Yesterday was not a great day for my Irish, unfortunately. The hockey team lost to Clarkson 3-0, and the football team lost to Louisville 33-20, BUT...the Phillies beat the Braves 3-0 and I got to watch all of it thanks to a little streaming on my phone contraption.

Today I am a bit bleary-eyed, but now that the newspaper has been read and the puzzles have been solved, I can get a few hours of stitching done before it's time to make dinner. We've having a little turkey breast and all of the fixin's, and I also want to make a nice pot of pasta fagioli to have with sandwiches during the week.

Not much else to report, I'm afraid. Just a lovely Fall Sunday with the footballs on the TV and the fuzzy blanket in place! What's new with you?


  1. Stitching looks great. I like the pattern a LOT. Sounds like the perfect Sunday except for the losses. I'm inspired. Mondays are sort of my weekend since I am music director at our parish. I hope to replicate your day!! Some reading, puzzles, stitching and a facetime with my OLD college peeps. There must be some yard work, but I think we're on for Minnesota wild rice soup tonight. Have a good week Coni.

  2. Your stitch is looking good, Coni. Bummer on the Irish losses, but go Phillies! Chores before stitching here today. Happy Monday!

  3. Your cross stitch piece looks really good : )

  4. Sorry about the losses, but great gain on the needlework. Pasta
    Fazool (NJ slant) seems the perfect meal for these chilling days.
    Soup Season, indeed.....
