Oct 18, 2023



I had such a good time with my Guild Ladies last night! I came home energized, still giggling, and in time to watch the Phillies win the second game against Arizona.

Today, I picked up the components of the beaded star and finally stitched them together. It's wonky and not very neat and tidy, and I'm sure I'll be rubbing glue off of my fingers for a week, but I'm tickled pink with it and want to make more of these!

As for my other beading adventures...phooey. I have been part of a pilot class for EGA, and it has just kicked my heiney. I think, after a long night of contemplation, I might have come to the conclusion that life is just too short to fight with something this hard...especially when it's in the Leisure Division of Spinster, Inc.

I'm going to do a quick clean-up of CS2, and then I think I'll find something fun to play with! 

What's new with you?


  1. The star is BEAUTIFUL!! Beading is not my thing, but I love how they look.

  2. What is it that makes beading difficult? I've never tried it.

  3. Beaded stars are fun to make. Keep going, Coni. Debby in CO

  4. I ordered one of the stars when you first posted it. Never having beaded, it took me a few YouTube videos to figure it out, but I LOVED making it! Thanks for the idea!

  5. Your beaded star is lovely, Coni. Is it three-dimensional or flat? Glad you had a good time at guild.

  6. What do you use glue for on a beaded star? I never have.
