Jan 20, 2022


Dearies, I am in a rut of doing absolutely nothing, and I'm enjoying every minute of it! 

My days are starting late and usually involve a lot of resting, coloring, reading, sleeping, ice water slurping, and arguing about what's for dinner.

Can I still pretend that I'm in recovery mode?

Speaking of dinner, one of Rich's favorites is pepper and egg sandwiches. (For those of you who have never heard of this like I had not, it's peppers and onions with eggs and cheese served on good crusty bread). 

Because I'm me, I decided to make it in my new cast iron pan that measures 18inches across and weighs more than my first car.

(We're going to be eating pepper and egg for quite a while.)

I am going to put Christmas away today, I promise. The plastic bag I ordered for the tree was back-ordered and only arrived yesterday, so please don't judge me too harshly. Besides....I love the lights at night.

Cold and snowy makes me want to burrow under the blankets and snooze, but I know I'll feel better if I get at least one or two things done.

Wish me luck...I'm gonna' need it to get motivated!



  1. The peppers and eggs look delicious!

  2. I have that same skillet and I love it! Nothing cooks like cast iron. For years I always cooked a roast in the crock pot but a few months ago I thought I'm going to cook one like my grandmother did...my family (who by the way rarely compliments my cooking) raved about it. The crockpot now resides in the garage.

    Your eye for color is amazing. What do you do with the finished pages?

  3. If you love the lights so much, put the tree away and keep the lights out and string them somewhere that makes you happy. Just call them fairy lights, or winter lightning bugs. ;-)

  4. You are definitely still in recovery mode! You had major surgery after years of challenging dialysis (plus a few difficult emotional situations), and are now on powerful medications. Relax, read, recuperate, colour, stitch, and don't argue too much!

  5. The food looks wonderful. And can you please share where you purchased your cast iron skillet? The Christmas tree here just came down last week and is "resting" in the attic until being called into service later on this year. I am always reluctant to see the tree come down and put away because those glowing lights at night give me so much enjoyment. And...take it easy Coni, you deserve the rest and time to recuperate.

  6. Same cast iron pan that I found at Cracker Barrel...I store two of them in my oven and needed help to remove those and others before I could bake a kugel the other day ... Ha!true...heavier than your first car.

  7. No judging, we still have our Christmas tree up and lord knows when we'll take it down. We love the glow from the lights at night, so we aren't in any hurry. Egg sandwiches sound mighty good. Maybe I'll give them a whirl for dinner one night next week with a side of bacon.

  8. You ARE in recovery mode Coni! So rest and recuperate as much as you want/need. Enjoy!

  9. It's only been a few of months since major surgery. Compounded by your body getting used to a whole new set of medications, don't be too hard on yourself. If you are getting what needs done done, and JB is not worried, it's all good.

    That's one thing nice about cast iron pans, you can work off a few extra calories while cooking and cleaning up. I don't think I've heard of pepper & egg sandwiches, it's always a meat of some sort instead of eggs. Sounds tasty!

  10. No judgement here. If mine hadn't started to lose needles like crazy it would still be up too. I really should just put some little twinkle lights up somewhere so I can enjoy them year around. And I think you are still in recovery mode. Do what makes you happy and as much of it as you can handle :)

  11. The sammies sound like fajita egg mcsandwiches. Take it easy on yourself. You've had MAJOR surgery and it takes the body a long time to recoup. Quiet that fretting brainbox and enjoy relaxing.

  12. where do you find all the cute peanuts items?
