Jul 12, 2024


Remember when Kathleen Kelly flips her Pixie cut at the Cafe' LaLa and goes into a rant at Joe Fox and all of the crazy comes spilling out and she tells him exactly what she wanted to say at that very moment she wanted to say it and then she feels really bad about it?

Well, cue the Spinster.

The difference is that my very own rant this morning did not include a twin set or a Pixie cut or a crimson rose and a cup of coffee sitting in front of me on a whimsical little cafe table My wig flipped right off in the middle of the living room while wearing eighteen year old Costco pajamas and involved more f-bombs and fist shaking than I care to admit while Fox News blared away in the background.

(Note to self...a good title for this chapter of my memoir is "How Fox News and the 2024 Presidential election cycle tried to kill me").

(I will NOT engage in political, religious, or sexual debates, conversations, or comment wars on this here blog, Dearies, because political, religious, and sexual debates, conversations, and comments live in ABUNDANCE here on the internets, and I'm looking for a big fat deep quiet hole to crawl into and this is the best that I could come up with.)

I don't feel good.

And when I don't feel good I become something akin to a rabid opossum protecting her nest of ugly little ropy-tailed babies that just want to scuttle about your back garden and eat bugs and errant trash.

After two visits to two doctors yesterday, I really am nowhere closer to knowing just what the heck is going on, but more labs were drawn and pancreatic enzyme samples were given and I came home determined to keep a cheerful and loving attitude in the face of trying to ignore the freak show in my head.

I have self-diagnosed ovarian cancer, anal/rectal cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, liver failure, lung cancer, lupus, arthritis, spinal cancer, a Crohn's flare up, a diverticulitis flare up, medication reactions, medication interactions, medication allergies, and a bacterial infection caught from a micro-cut on my legs after shaving that allowed a rare paramecium into my bloodstream from the apartment complex swimming pool.

(Before you cancel me and label me ridiculous and offensive to anybody who has had any if the above, may I just point out that I had thyroid cancer, have Crohn's, diverticulitis, pancreatitis, and kidney failure, am a solid organ transplant patient and who has a chart that explains how my family history IS the history of heart disease, cancer of multiple types, and a ton of crap that probably wasn't even invented yet.)

So when I tell you I don't feel good, I'm not trying to get out of gym class. When I don't feel good, something catastrophic usually follows.

I have faith. I really do. And I practice gratitude and pray to God OFTEN and only ask for one thing...that I can live in a way that is worthy of all of the ridiculously amazing blessings of my life. But every now and then I guess I just need a good little wig-flip to clear the cobwebs.

Now if you'll excuse me, in the words of Hugh Grant in Four Wedding and a Funeral, I think that I really must be where other people are not for a minute. Fortunately for my Jersey Boy he is working over on campus this evening, and I'm hoping that a few hours of stitching will screw my head back on straight.

I'd love to tell you that I've embarked on something new and wonderful from my July basket, but the truth is that I'm just going to pull out a WiP and stab it a few thousand times to see if that exorcises my demons.

Updates when I have them, I promise. For now, I promise you that I am doing absolutely every single thing that every single doctor has advised me to do. My (bleepity) might not be together, but I'm damn sure not doing anything that's going to make anything worse. I swear.

Happy Weekend! Enough about me and back to you. What are your plans for the next few days? Come tell me all about it!


  1. Lots of gentle hugs Coni...so sorry. P.S. the giant meteor bumper sticker is spot on!🤗😂..one of the reasons I love & follow your blog is because it's free of politics and other "hot button" topics...i.e. gender, climate, etc...there's enough of that on the 'Net, TV, etc...xoxo m

  2. Hugs Coni. I hope everything works out for you. xxx

  3. Holding you and Jersey Boy in prayer. Enjoy your threads. Marthanne

  4. Sending hugs! Hope you get this figured out SOON!

  5. Sending hugs, good thoughts and lots of love your way, dear Coni.

  6. Hope things are figured out soon and you get better ❤️‍🩹

  7. Dear Coni-
    This paragraph you wrote really hit home…

    “I pray to God OFTEN and only ask for one thing...that I can live in a way that is worthy of all of the ridiculously amazing blessings of my life”

    Wow. That was so beautifully put I am going to print it out and tape it to the mirror in front of my sink so I see it every time I wash my hands.
    Thank you and bless you.

    PS. Turn off the news until mid-November. It will help.

  8. Coni, we are all in this together. Keep praying, we all are too. Donna

  9. I can understand why you are at least frustrated with that cranky body you are inhabiting! I had a small meltdown myself with my body being cranky. My body isn't nearly as cranky as yours. I think my mistake was in eating part of an English cucumber on two different days. This was supposed to be healthy. Ha! I will toss the rest of this healthy nasty thing away. My husband is smart enough not to eat this vegetable. Best of prayers to you and your doctors so that they will figure out just what the heck is going on!

  10. Hang in there Coni and most importantly, keep that sense of humor going.

  11. Awww bless you Coni. I can relate to that little girl meme. When I hear the potential side effects for drugs on tv commercials my comment is that’s how I feel on a good day. Hang in there girl.

  12. Are we not all so weary of the symptoms and side effects that
    accompany the "diversion" we seek when we look to Hallmark for some respite? Just love the tee shirt message on blood work...so true.. Fume away, Coni dear...you have earned it. I am praying you
    relief, comfort and rest, along with some peace of mind. Thank you for blending your humor in the rant.

  13. Wow All I can say is I'm sorry and you're not alone girl of faith

  14. I'm so sorry to hear that you're continuing to feel so awful. I am keeping you in my prayers, and I hope that it can all be figured out soon, and you start feeling much better. Hope you enjoy some fun stitching too. Take care.
