Jun 7, 2024



Wouldn't you think I'd learn how to take a decent photograph after all these years?

Dearies, thank you for your lovely notes and comments about the anniversary of this here blog. Each and every one touched me very deeply and means the world to me. Thank. You.

So many things have changed in my life over these last several years, and yet many other things have remained the same. Despite my "longevity", I still think of myself as a bit of an oddball outlier, and I'm amazed and grateful to have been invited to this thing of ours with such warmth and love.

It's remarkable what can happen to a human person when they feel safe and supported and cared for. In my case, that support quite literally gave me a new life, and although I've said it before, it bears repeating: my prayer is simple...please help me to live a life that is worthy of all of these blessings.

So now we begin the next year of stitching and spinster foolishness, and I hope you'll continue to tolerate me and my shenanigans for a bit before I grow up and become an actual adult.

Happy Friday! We're off like a herd of turtles and looking forward to a wonderful weekend! What's on your agenda for the next few days? Come tell me all about it!


  1. Belated Happy 16th to one who inspires so many. I just love this
    sampler and look forwarding to its progress. Hope your weekend
    will be splendid on all levels and that you return refreshed and
    raring to go......

  2. Coni, my life would have a hole in it if you were to stop blogging. I love your wit and sense of humor. Your honesty is refreshing and I love that you feel the ❤️ from your readers. Even if you do grow up (optional) keep up the good work. Happy blogiversary! Debby in CO

  3. My next few days will be a mix of GD duty, garden work, beating back the dust bunnies, working on another QOV quilt top, and hopefully getting back to working on the far-too-long-neglected needlework casket.
    I see nothing wrong with the photo today. It looks to me like you needed to move the hoop, and decided to snap a quick photo for us to enjoy.

  4. Happy blogaversary! Though I mostly lurk here, I do really enjoy reading your blog. My weekend plans include gardening and running the cameras at church as part of our YouTube broadcast team. I’ll need a relaxing drink after the Sunday “live from Cape Cod” session on Sunday. — Marlene. (Sorry about the anonymous post but I can’t do otherwise with my iPhone security set the way I want it. So I’ll try to remember to add my name to my comments.

  5. Happy 16th!!! I’ve been reading your blog since you just moved into the place you are know. I’ve had the pleasure of reading Stewey’s antics and your storytelling! I have been there thru the new kidney and have prayed that it was well received! Your blog is the first one I read for the day, when you publish one. Don’t leave and don’t change a bit! Keep Keeping On!!! Debi Bayley🌻

  6. I think your picture looks A-okay! My picture taking abilities are still a WIP.

  7. Please, don’t ever change. Reading your blog has brought me much happiness and many times a tear to my eye, but always lots and lots of love. Please keep your amazing talent of Sharing your amazing life going.
