Dec 27, 2023

Dec 22, 2023

Dec 21, 2023


Little Miss Collins Christine entered the world on Tuesday, and my Goddaughter and her handsome husband are now the proud parents of a perfect little bundle of joy. All is well, and I can't wait to meet this lovely little girl and tell her all of the secrets that only a Great Auntie should know.

(You just have to love a kid that arrives with personalized accessories).

Dec 18, 2023


Good grief, Charlie Brown! I feel like I have been living in a bowl of jello for the last month. Everything has been so...blech...for so long, that a day of almost normal feels like I could run a marathon.

(But it's blustery outside today, and I am warm and cozy under my Stewey Christmas Magic blanket, so...maybe no marathoning today.)

I do have a little finish. This is Quilted Christmas Snowman from Emily Call, and I stitched mine on 28ct Picture This Plus linen in Fog with all of the charted DMC colors. 

(I especially like the way the vibrant red looks on this fabric.)

I have also been binge-watching The Crown, and am not at all embarrassed to tell you that the minute I finished the final episode of the series, I re-started it at Season 1, Episode 1. I watched all of that season yesterday, and hope to watch all of Season 2 today.

The final scene completely gutted me, and I was face down into my decorative Christmas pillow bawling my eyes out and working myself right up into an ugly cry of epic proportions. I must have needed it, because I fell into the big girl sleigh bed and slept like a hibernating bear for twelve hours.

(Does bawling oneself into hiccups count as cardio, I wonder?)

Anywhoose....I am here in a snowy blowing Hoosierville behaving myself. I don't want to jinx myself by declaring that I am all better, but I do feel considerably more human than I have in quite a while. I am, unfortunately, going to have to stay put here in CS2 for a bit longer, because I haven't been able to get my flu shot, covid booster, or RSV vaccine, and I am at stupid-high risk.

(There goes my hope of Midnight Mass at the Basilica.)

(But that would most definitely be one giant petri dish of stuff delivered from all over the world in the form of visiting relatives and kids home on break, and given the usual crowd, I suspect that I will have to enjoy the sounds and sights from the safety of my living room this year.)

(But I might don my new red turtleneck and fancy red lipstick for the occasion...just to feel a bit more festive.)

Have I mentioned how happy I am that I decorated so early this year? I have never hauled the totes out before Thanksgiving before, but I am eternally grateful that I did so this year, because in my pancreatitic delirium I have been able to bask in the warm glow of Christmas lights and stockings hung under the TeeVee with care. My favorite ritual has become the afternoon lighting of all of the candles and such and settling in with stitching and some holiday tunes.


Speaking's about that time, Dearies. I am considering my dinner menu and what project to play with next...all very important decisions that will require considerably more brain power than I presently own, as well as a big fat cold brew. I have discovered the perfect ratio of Caramel Vanilla cream coffee mate that gives me a little hit of sweet without making my teeth ache.

Happy Monday! I hope your corner of the world is wonderful today! What's new with you?

Dec 13, 2023

Dec 12, 2023


I had yet another medical appointment today, and as I was leaving the exam room, spotted this little fella:

Isn't he swell?

Pancreatitis just absolutely positively is on my list of things that I do not recommend, Dearies. Today I feel like I've turned a little corner, but the fatigue and back pain and bloated feeling has me heading right back to the big girl sleigh bed for the duration.

Many of you have asked the hows and whys. Most likely, this little episode is the result of a few different meds that I take for BellyBean. Adjustments have been made, and careful attention is being paid, and this is something I will have to be vigilant about going forward. 

I also need to lay low and stay away from people until I can get my flu shot and covid boosters, which I haven't been able to do because of not feeling well. Getting sick at this point with even a simple head cold would be catastrophic, and I need to stay the heck OUT of hospitals! the meantime, there is plenty of sleeping to be done, lots of water to be slurped, and a bit of stitching to attempt. I made a little dent on Emily Call's Quilted Snowman, and hope to get back to him this afternoon:

That's it from Hoosierville today! I hope that your neck of the world is exactly as you wish it to be! Are you doing something fun? Come tell me all about it!

Dec 10, 2023

Dec 8, 2023


Thank you for all of your lovely notes and thoughts and prayers, Dearies. I am still not feeling well, but am hopefully on the tail end of whatever got me this time. BellyBean is holding his own and I am getting lots of fluids and sleep....which is just what has been ordered.

Come tell me all about what's new with you!

Dec 5, 2023


I really should have gone to medical school.

Oh, wait.

I forgot that you have to actually be smart to do that.

I had an abdominal CT last night and am waiting for results. I still think it's pancreatitis, but I'm going to let the professionals give it a go before I don the white coat and start prescribing fluids and rest, which is exactly what I've been doing.

Still feel like...ugh.

Dec 1, 2023


 Heart In Hand
Wee Santa 2021
32ct Lugana from Colour & Cotton in Old West
DMC floss as called for

This was a delightful little stitch, and if all goes well, I might try my hand at another in the near future. I think, though, that I might play with a little needlepoint next and make a start on the Cashmere Santa.

Rich is ushering the Blue and Gold Invitational track and field meet tonight, so I had a little dinner, watched Serendipity, and did my nails. Tomorrow is our EGA Christmas luncheon, so I wanted to make sure I'm presentable.

How was your Friday, Dearies?

Nov 30, 2023


Oh my goodness, Dearies! I had no idea that Rich getting fitted for a blue jacket would cause such a ruckus! First of all, thank you for your interest...I forget that there are actually real live Dearies out there who read my drivel...and cheers to you for being curious about our silly happy quiet crazy little life here in Hoosierville!

Rich is an usher over at Notre Dame occasionally, and they have special outfits for different occasions. He started doing this last March as a way to get out and meet people and to have something to do besides sit here and watch me stitch all day, and he loves it.  He has ushered sporting events, graduations, meetings, masses, and cultural things, and I think it takes him back to his days as an usher at Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City. 

As for me...I am still fighting something mysterious of my own and am waiting to get some tests scheduled. It started with what I thought was food poisoning or a medication issue, or the flu, but now we're thinking pancreatitis?  I don't know what it is, but I'm ready for it to be g.o.n.e.

Stitching of the Wee Santa continues, and as soon as I get a few chores completed and a nice hot scrubby shower, I'm going to get right back to it!
I'm really enjoying this little guy, but I wish I had an idea of what to do with him once he's finished. I suppose he'll go live in the Christmas Fuppy box with all of the other finished/unfinished projects, or I'll get brave enough to sit down one of these days and have a finishing marathon!

Happy Thursday, Dearies! I hope this finds you all well and happy and doing something wonderfully fun! Come tell me all about it!
Does anybody else like roasted chestnuts as much as my JB does? I finally made them for him last night!

Nov 29, 2023


Yesterday was errand day...starting with a trip to campus so Rich could get fitted for his official blue blazer, then to breakfast at my favorite downtown South Bend restaurant called Early Bird Eatery, a quick stop for my afternoon cold brew, and then a nice Thanksgiving Shepherd's Pie for dinner.

How was your day?

Nov 26, 2023


These are the projects that I selected for my "on deck" basket that sits right next to my chair, and holds things that are kitted up and ready to go....on stretcher bars or q-snaps and bagged with needles, scissors, bling, etc.

There are two additional baskets on the floor that hold other Christmas projects that I hope I'll get to eventually:

There's another bin of Christmas stuff behind my chair, but those are things that I will probably save for another year. 

I'm sure I'll futz around with stuff for a few days before I show any measurable progress, but it was a lovely afternoon today gathering and bagging and organizing and such.

What's in your basket?

Nov 25, 2023



I'm not at Guild tonight, and after stomping around in a little snit about it, I decided to put myself in time out with the Wizard and some stitching. I. Just. Don't. Feel. Good. And I'm mad about it. I know that we'll get to the bottom of it eventually, and my entire BellyBean team and Dr Campbell are ON IT, but I'm just a bit bummed.

Enough of that.

Today is the official feasting prep day, so as soon as my damn good has been slurped, I will head into the kitchen and get everything ready for tomorrow. Our menu? All of the usuals...turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, Rich's Italian stuffing (*), cornbread stuffing, green bean casserole, corn casserole, sweet potatoes, rolls, pumpkin pie, apple pie, and cranberry sauce.


That sounds like a lot, but it is, after all, Thanksgiving!

Blessings and peace and love and health to all! 

(*) Rich's Italian stuffing is basically meatball mixture...ground beef, breadcrumbs, egg, salt, pepper, garlic, parsley, and sharp provolone...stuffed and roasted inside the turkey. 

Nov 19, 2023


I'm freshly showered, have just put dinner in the oven, and have made the executive decision to do absolutely nothing else today except stitch.

(Actually, my poor old body made the decision for me, since I am unable to lift either arms or legs without issuing forth with profanity.)

Rich and I love watching cooking videos on the YouTube, and today's dinner is courtesy of Jim from Sip and Feast. The official name of the dish is Spezzatino di Manzo, but it's basically an Italian version of boeuf bourguignon. I chopped and diced and sautéed and braised, and now my big red pot from the Targets is doing its thing in the oven until it's time to eat.  

So now it's time for me to pick up my needle and thread and shut down all electronics for the remainder of the day. I hope your Sunday is swell, that your own needles are flying, and that something delicious is in your future!


Nov 18, 2023


Dearies, I had a rough week.

Last Sunday was 36 years since my mom passed away, Tuesday was Stewey's passing anniversary (even though I screwed up and thought it was Thursday), I was just plain 'ol sickety sick sick all week, and yesterday I learned that my Aunt Lou (who was also my Godmother) passed away.

In between there I went to see Dr Campbell, and although labs and tests all looked good, I need to go get some imaging of my belly after Thanksgiving, because it would appear I have either swallowed a beach ball or am expecting quintuplets.

But on a happy note...I lost another four pounds!

So what did I decide to do today? Stay in bed with a cup of tea and a book, or plant myself in the chair with stitching and watch the Irish?


Why not start tarting up CS2 for Christmas while simultaneously DoorDashing lit garland and chocolate covered pretzels while poor Rich drags bins and bins and bins of holiday crap in from the storage closet outside?

It's not even half-assed complete at this point, and I'm not sure if it would even qualify for a quarter-assed job, but at least it's a start. Tomorrow I'll re-gather my wits about me and see if I can throw some more tinsel around and call it a Griswold.

What's new with you?