The almost true exploits of an intrepid spinster and her stitching...and all of the things that make up her crazy, happy, quiet little life.
Mar 28, 2022
Mar 26, 2022
Now it's time to snuggle in with my Bower Birds. I'm determined to get it finished soon!
Happy Saturday, Dearies! Do something fun and come tell me all about it!
Mar 25, 2022
Mar 22, 2022
Mar 20, 2022
I woke up this morning thinking I would stay in pajamas and stitch all day.
First, I stripped the bed, washed all of the "Winter" bedding, washed a set of sheets that I found at the top of the linen closet in their original package from when I moved here five years ago (😳), re-made the bed with "Spring" bedding, re-potted succulents, made a grocery order, and what can only be described as an act of sheer lunacy...emptied the entire contents of the bathroom cupboard, culled it, cleaned it, and re-organized it to within an inch of its life, packed my gym bag for the morning, wrote a to do list for next week, and washed the bathroom rugs.
So now I'm sitting here at 7:34 pm waiting to watch the Notre Dame basketball game with what is most assuredly a headache due to overwork.
Damnit, Gumby.
Oh...and then...just because I wasn't tired enough...I organized my needle minders:
Mar 19, 2022
Mar 18, 2022
Then home to take the cardboard out to the recycling, then to Starbucks for a cold brew fix, then back home to change clothes, and now I'm off to meet my new family physician, Dr Campbell.
Mar 17, 2022
Coach Brey said he was looking forward to some Irish Whiskey on the charter plane to the next game. I hope he shared it with the team....they definitely deserved it!
Mar 16, 2022
Well, as usual, Dearies, your hapless Spinster has gone from zero to sixty in two and a half seconds.
Me and moderation?
Not so much.
Last week, I was awake approximately fifteen minutes a day, never left the apartment, and wore pajamas (different sets) 24/7.
This week?
In addition to joining the gym and then actually going each day, I have labwork, two appointments with two different doctors, a haircut and pedicure, and about a billion and a half little chores to do here at CS2.
I'm pretty sure that Sunday is going to be a bed coffee and not much else day.
I've just finished breakfast (a banana, yogurt, and half a scone) and soon will be off to hit the treadmill. When I get home, I desperately need to flip my closet from cold weather clothes to warm, since it looks like it will be near 70 for a few days here.
(Never fear....I will definitely keep a few sweatshirts out, since I'm pretty sure the minute I find my shorts and swimming things it'll snow again.)
I moved the q-snaps on Bower Birds and have two more rows of the alphabet, the top flowers, and the border to go. I really want to get this one finished so I can start Heart in Hand's Coffee Bird, which is on its way to me from Miss Linda at the House of Stitches!
So that's it for me today. I hope you are well and happy and...all the things! Come tell me all about it!
Mar 15, 2022
Mar 14, 2022
A very tired turtle could have passed me twice, given my pace, but you know what? I got up, put my shoes and socks on, joined the fitness place, and walked.
Tomorrow...the therapy pool!
Mar 13, 2022
Rich knew every word to every song, and had a great time!
Admittedly, after making it home and moving the clocks an hour forward to almost 2am, I am completely worn out today and didn't make it out of the big girl sleigh bed until well after noon. But, it was definitely worth it!
So, that's the happy report from Spinsterville today! I'm going to get the newspapers read and get back to stitching my Bower Birds!
Hope your Sunday is exactly what you need it to be, Dearies! Come tell me all about it!
Mar 11, 2022
Mar 9, 2022
Well, let's see. I've been sleeping, cooking, eating, laundry-ing, bill-paying, and generally vegging for about three days now. All in all, not a bad way to spend one's time, no? have asked me lots of questions in the comments, but for some reason I am unable to post responses to them. Three in particular stick in my head, so I'll answer them here:
My round bed coffee tray comes from Target. I have a small one and a larger one and love them both. With the proliferation of charcuterie trays (or, as I prefer to call them...cheese and crackers snack plates), they are readily available for good prices.
Betty is the name that I've given to my hater(s). I regularly get awful emails that point out every single thing that's wrong with me, shames every choice I make, berates me for talking about anything other than stitching, and wishes that I would just shut up already and crawl back under the rock from whence I came. I used to be completely gutted by these little gems, but now I kinda' get a kick out of just how much I can peeve somebody off by just being me.
The silly nail wraps are from a company called Lily&Fox and you can buy them online on their website, which is . I have also purchased them from Beyond Polish (also on the web), but they are a dollar and fifty cents more there, and I am, after all, a Spinster on a budget.
I really am sorry that I can't seem to figure out how to respond to each and every one of your comments, and I do hope you will continue to post them. If I've missed your question, please please please send it again, and I'll try to get an answer for you!
Happy Futzingday, Dearies! Do something fun and come tell me all about it!
Mar 6, 2022
Today's nails are called "Lipstick Daisies". The bottom picture shows the way I use the back of the sticker as a handle for application. I know Betty hates these posts and thinks I'm too old for this sort of thing, but she can sit on it, Howard. This is the most fun I've ever had with three dollars in a long time!
Mar 5, 2022
(Notre Dame beat Pitt by quite a lot, and it was Senior we got to see the boys walk out one final time with their families.)
(Yes. I was all teary.)
Then we went to 5:00 Mass in the Basilica, and afterwards...right there in front of that gorgeous church, at sunset, on a 70 degree day with a beautiful breeze...a priest laid his hands on my head and gave me a blessing for recovery, my donor, and that I will live a good life worthy of this incredible gift.)
(This time I think Rich was the teary one.)
And then we stopped at the Hooters for dinner (because there was a two hour wait every place else), and I got sassy and ordered a non-alcoholic beer. I was never a big beer drinker (or any kind of drinker, actually) before, but something about an ice cold beer and chicken wings sounded good to me.
(I was right...delicious!)
Tomorrow is Sunday, and I'm not getting out of pajamas or doing one single thing other than stitch and slurp damn good! I have a stack of papers and magazines to read, so it might be a bed coffee all day long!
Happy Saturday, Dearies! I hope your weekend has been as fun as mine! Come tell me all about it.
Mar 4, 2022
I'm making progress...slowly, but surely Dearies! If the day goes as planned, I will have several hours this afternoon to stitch while the laundry sploshes.
First, though, there's breakfast out this morning while the Cottage Care crew scrubs and buffs and polishes and disinfects the entirety of CS2, and then a nice evening out with my JB to a Notre Dame hockey game.
The weekend is upon us! I hope yours is filled with good things. Come tell me all about it!