Sep 30, 2016


Is there any better feeling on the planet than that first cool night of Fall snoodled under the freshly changed bedding to the flannel sheets and cozy blanket?

Stewey and I hit the big girl sleigh bed last night and stayed there until 1:30 this afternoon!  If we could have figured out a way to get our newspapers, coffee, and tea delivered...I'm pretty sure we'd still be there!

Hmmmm....wonder if I could set up a new cockpit in the bed with my stitching, etc?

It was good enough for Hugh Hefner...why not good enough for a portly spinster?

Sep 28, 2016


Kind of a cool, cloudy day here in very favorite.  I'm actually thinking about lighting the fireplace to see if Stewey will want to enjoy a few hours toasting his very tiny little buns.  For now, though, he seems quite content to hang out in his little bed in front of the patio window:
The bit of blue that you see on his leg is a "compression bandage" that I MacGivered to help with the swelling.  The tumor is causing a problem with blood flow, so applying the bangage is supposed to help...almost like support panty hose.  Fortunately, he doesn't seem to mind it at all, and I think it is really helping.

You know Stewey...anything to accessorize a look.

Progress on Vaceila continues.  I keep thinking that I'm going to get bored with her and want a change of pace, but so far, so good.  Maybe I'll just keep going until the bitter end:

I had a very happy trip to the Michael's yesterday morning.  I ran out of the DMC gold metallic thread and figured I would have to order it, but lo and behold, there it was right there in the stitchy aisle!  I think I even danced a little jig right there in front of God and everybody, since it meant that I was able to come home and continue stitching without having to fret.

Who's happier than me?

Hope your Futzingday is equally as lovely.  Do something fun and come tell us all about it!

Sep 26, 2016


Well, here it is.  Monday again.

We had a very quiet, snoodle-ly weekend here at Chez Spinster.  I putzed a bit, slept a lot, stitched a little, and cuddled Stewey to within an inch of his life.  

Today we're going to do more of the same, plus a little laundry.

Vaceila is still coming along nicely.  I intend to continue playing with her, but I am going to head up to the studio this week (now that it's not so beastly), and we're going to put together The Official Autumnal Basket 'O Stitchy Fun and Goodness to get us through October and November.  Then, once December arrives, we'll see what we can do about some of the Christmas WIPs that have been languishing.

I hope that your week is off to a wonderful start.  Do something fun and come tell us all about it!

Sep 24, 2016


Darn it, anyway.

I'm supposed to be in Goshen, Indiana today with my stitchy peeps.  One of the guilds is having an all day stitch-in and luncheon, and I looked forward to it for weeks.  

Alas, it was not meant to be.  I am still under the weather and decided to be a grown up and tend to my ughs instead of going out to play.  I know it's probably the right decision, but still...I feel like a six year old who has been placed in time out for being naughty.

Stewey is ailing, too, so methinks that a day spent snoodling up in the big girl sleight bed might be good for both of us.  

Hope your Saturday is swell.  Here's a little progress pic of Vaceila:

Sep 22, 2016


I managed to get out of the big girl sleigh bed to run some errands and go to a couple of appointments, but not much else.  The  good news is that I did find a sparkly new lipstick rolling around the back of my makeup drawer that should be suitable for both Autumn and my new attitude.

We'll see how long this lasts.

(The drink was Crystal Lite Fruit Punch, thankyouverymuch.  Can you imagine ME on the hard stuff?)

Still stitching away on Vaceila.  Moving the q-snaps tonight and starting page three!  Woo Hoo!

Sep 19, 2016


Quiet, sleepy, stitchy weekend here at Chez Spinster.  Mr. Crohn's reared his ugly head, so I spent the majority of my time drinking Gatorade and thinking happy thoughts.

Oh well...a few more flare ups and I will no longer weigh enough to tip over my zip code!

Fun with Vaceila continues...

Sep 16, 2016


Every time I get up on my high horse and feel like I'm Queen High Exhalted of the Universe, the damn thing rears its pretty little head and bucks me off, right onto my big fat heiney.

After my pronouncement that I was just going to do my thing, I sat down to stitch only to realize that my stitching of the entire second page of this design is off by one stitch someplace.

One lousy stitch.

Now, I know what you're thinking.  "Oh, dear Spinster Stitcher!  Don't fret over one lousy stitch.  Surely the intricate design of the angel's dress will allow for compensation someplace."

But this is me we're talking about.

So I went into the kitchen and set the timer on the microwave for two minutes and I got an ice cream sandwich. 

(What can I say?  My diet has consisted of foods that any self-respecting six year old would dogs, mac and cheese, fruit roll ups, ice cream sandwiches, and Honey Nut Cheerios.)

(But I digress.)

For two minutes I allowed myself a full-on fretting, hair pulling, self-flagellating session of criticism and recrimination.  I paced back and forth and wagged my finger in my own face and lectured myself about the dangers of being a rebel, and I adequately shamed myself for the prancy dancing episodes of "Look at me! Look at me!" that lead to my fall.

Sister Mary Paperplate would have been proud.

When the timer beeped (and I had finished my ice cream sandwich), I gathered my wits, washed my hands, re-filled my sippy cup with ice water, and I hit the Happy Chair once again.

Still loving dear Vaceila, even if she's not exactly perfectly perfect in every way.

I'm off to find the vacuum cleaner.  I promised the boys that I would do something about the haz mat situation that this house has become before we settle in for our afternoon nap.  I figure a swipe or two of the Swiffer and a few minutes Hoovering will be a good way to start the weekend!

Happy Friday, kids!  Do something fun and come tell us all about it!

Sep 15, 2016


I'm sure that there are about a million ways I'm stitching this incorrectly and that those of you who routinely cross stitch these BAPs are just chomping at the bit to tell me (waving a big fat "Hello!" to Betty), but I just do not care one single little bit.

(I do, however, simply love love love tips and tricks, so if you've got any, I'll take 'em!)

Call it maturity or finally coming into my own or maybe, just maybe, the meds have finally kicked in, but I'm all done with any rules or negativity when it comes to this thing of ours.  It is my humble opinion that any time spent with needle in hand...whether it be a threaded needle with silk, floss, or yarn, or a crochet hook or knitting needle or quilting needle or rug time well spent indeed.

I love all forms of stitching, whether it be counted cross stitch, canvaswork, needlepoint, crewel, or embroidery.  I don't do any of them with any particular excellence, but that's perfectly fine, since I am not trying to be the world's foremost leading authority on anything at all, especially not on needlework.

I'm just a portly spinster with a sick little dog and shriveled up little kidneys who is trying to find her way in the world.  I stitch so that the Happy Chair remains my happy place, so that my mind and fingers stay limber, and so that I can feel like I'm part of something bigger than myself.  Stitching gets me out of my head, challenges me to try new things, teaches me perseverance and patience, and gives me heaps and heaps of satisfaction that does not result in me having to buy bigger sweatpants like eating something truly decadent does.'s all good, my dears.  I'm just going to keep doing me.  You just keep doing you, and we'll all be fine together.  Keep those needles flying in whatever form you choose, have some fun, and come tell us all about it!

Sep 14, 2016


Vaceila came back out to play for just a bit more progress.  The good news is that I've cleared my decks for the day to give her my full attention.

Well, maybe not completely full attention.  Maybe seven-eights attention in between cuddles and belly rubs with Stewey Angus BabyDear Charming Little Skittles Willowswamp:

Happy Wednesday!  We're hurtling headlong into the weekend!

Sep 11, 2016


 Yesterday was my day to go play with my Hoosier Heartland stitchy sisters at the library, so off I went for fun and laughter.  I awoke feeling pretty punk, but a few hours giggling with these ladies made the rest of the day much better!

Our project for the day (taught by Miss Charlene Her Very Self) was Autumn Crackers by Marilyn Owen. These are cute little counted canvas rolls that, when finished, will look adorable in a pretty bowl.

(Or, if you are finish-phobic like me, you'll stitch them and then contemplate slapping them in a Michael's ready-made frame to be done with it.)

There is a lot of decision making to be made in terms of vertical vs. horizontal, colors, stitches tor borders, etc., but once you get settled it goes very fast and is very fun!

Here's where I ended up after spending most of the day stitching after I got home:

Today I am off for more adventure.  We are going to see Wicked, and I am so excited I can barely stand it!  Stewey is pouting that I will not be able to tuck him in my pocket for the performance, but I promised to bring him the playbill to add to his collection.

Speaking of my little love, he had a check in with the vet on Friday, and it looks like he is doing as well as can be expected.  He has lost two pounds, but I think we're managing to keep him pain free so far. He was absolutely wonderful with all of the techs that cared for him (he used to be rather fussy and had earned a bit of a reputation for being "high strung"), but yesterday he was so sweet that I started calling him Stewey Charming.  He is snuggled in for a morning snoozy, so methink it will be a yood Sunday after all.

That's the report for the day, kids.  I am going to enjoy my outing and then come home to do a little more stitching before getting ready for the week.  Here's hoping that your weekend has been fun and peaceful and that your needles are flying!

Sep 8, 2016


Still really enjoying my time spent with Vaceila each evening.  Here's the latest progress:

Sep 5, 2016


Oh, what a lovely time I had on Saturday!  I wish I could bottle the feeling of spending the day with these women...I always come away feeling like I have finally made it to the proverbial cool kids' table, and if I'd just learn to keep my mouth shut I might be invited back again.

Vaceila has had a nice weekend thus far, and if plans come to fruition today we will spend most of it together in the Happy Chair.  I completed all of the cross stitching on the lowest section and moved the q-snaps to tackle the next.  I managed to get the edges of her cloak outlined during the game last night (Notre Dame lost to Texas 50-47):
I never did make it to the grocery for special cookout provisions, but I am pretty happy in my jammies at the moment, so methinks it might just be leftovers today.  I'd complain about that, but considering the alternative of having nothing to eat at all, I'll just be thankful and move right along.

Happy Monday/Labor Day!  Hope your needles are flying!

Sep 2, 2016


I wrote a rather extensive list of things to do this weekend and then promptly threw it in the bin.

Why write lists when there is so much fun to be had by careening from one thing to another without rhyme or reason?

I am going to to stitch with my stitchy sisters tomorrow, so I do have one small task to do in preparation for that...I need to pack up a project to play with..

Will it be Vaceila?

Or Poppers?

Or both?

Stewey will make the final selection as soon as he finishes his own little to do list tor the day.  I'm pretty sure that the only thing on it is to capture my heart, so he's good to go!

We're off like a herd of turtles, my dears.  Laundry is happily sploshing about in the laundry sploshing machine and I am soon to be sploshing about in the spinster washing machine...otherwise known as the big girl bath.

Hope you're having a fabulous Friday!  Do something fun and come tell us all about it!

Sep 1, 2016


Still really enjoying this!  More metallic last night, in addition to a little more dark blue...