The almost true exploits of an intrepid spinster and her stitching...and all of the things that make up her crazy, happy, quiet little life.
Jan 25, 2015
Jan 24, 2015
Jan 18, 2015
I started watching Downton Abbey on Friday afternoon. I'm on Season Two, Episode Four and cannot tear my eyes away.
Here's the latest addition to my ever-growing scarf wardrobe.
Stewey approves...of both the scarf AND the viewing selection. He especially loves the Dowager Grantham.
Jan 15, 2015
Jan 11, 2015
Jan 10, 2015
Wow. I had every intention of getting back in the saddle last night, but my after-dinner activities involved nothing more than drool, snoring, and then bolting upright at 10pm to discover that Stewey had put himself to bed with his book.
He did, however, manage to leave my weekend TO DO list on the ottoman for me, so it looks like today is going to be filled with chores, homekeeping, errands, and the fluffing of Little Lord Fauntleroy's blankets.
Apparently, he is determined to toast his little buns in front of the fireplace all day while I toil in vain to meet his every whim.
The sun is shining, so methinks I should get on with it so I can enjoy some afternoon stitching time. Updates soon, I promise!
Jan 8, 2015
Remember when I mentioned that my new stupid-soft blanket is somehow imbued with magical powers that cause me to fall asleep every time I get under it?
Well, four hours later and I'm sitting here wondering if I will be able to manage to get the contacts out of my eyeballs, the teeth brushed, and the face washed before falling into the big girl sleigh bed.
Sheesh, I'm tired!
Is this what being in the vestibule to menopausal hell feels like?
Jan 7, 2015
Good grief, Charlie Brown! I love cold weather and snow, but even I have to admit that sub-zero windchill is a little much.
Here's a little more progress from last night...there would have been more, but I got caught up in the latest Brandi Glanville drama on Housewives.
Stupid housewives.
I'm still digging the colorway, so I do have that going for me. Stewey is equally as pleased, since he's convinced that a more neutral color scheme around here might keep me from the time.
Here's hoping that your little corner of the world is warm and serene and that you're doing exactly what you want to be doing!
Jan 6, 2015
Jan 5, 2015
Jan 4, 2015
Aunt Chrissy vetoed the multi-colored approach because a) she knows me and knows that I was hoping for a monotonal look, and b) she knows color and saw that the warm threads were clashing with the cool tones of the linen.
So I'm in the Happy Chair, happily stitching away....a roast is roasting in the crock pot ( or crock potting in the crock pot), and Crocket and Tubbs are getting the bad guys off the streets of Miami.
What can I say? Don Johnson always did blow my skirt up, and what's not to love about 80's music and tight white t-shirts?
Jan 3, 2015
So there I was, minding my very own business and happily stitching away, when I started to think.
I heard that, by the way.
That "Oh, brother, what's she up to now?" that you just muttered to nobody in particular...
I started to think that I might want to stitch all of the blossom/snowflakes in the same color to create some kind of tone on tone moteef rather than the multi-colored version that's called for on the chart.
That's what was rattling around in my head when I turned off the Tee Vee and headed to bed for the night.
I tried discussing my idea with Stewey, but he just adjusted his sleep mask, rolled over, and sighed heavily over the thought of having to put up with me.
So I fretted and fretted and fretted and then fretted some more, and all day today I kept thinking about changing the colors to a tone on tone moteef as I went about the business of being me.
Moments ago, I headed to the Happy Chair to start stitching for the night, and decided that I might like the multi-colored version that's called for on the chart after all.
What do you think?
Jan 2, 2015
So, I ask you....would it be so wrong to call this one finished?
I'm thinking it makes a minimalist simple snowflake/blossom adjacent to a bare tree.
Hmmmmm. Even I don't think I can pull THAT one off!
Jan 1, 2015
Oh, what joy! What bliss!
Aunt Chrissy and Baby Bosco came over last night for a little New Year's Eve supper and stitching, and we watched all five episodes of "Parade's End" while I started this:
It's "Blossom" by Carolyn Manning Designs, and it was exactly what I needed to be doing as the clock struck midnight and we ushered in the New Year.I'm stitching this on a lovely piece of 28ct. Fog Cashel, and I'm thinking about substituting out the called-for green thread with a few icy blues so that the end result will be more winter-ish.
Included with the chart are these lovely hand-made "blossoms". Aren't they swell? Now all I need to do is keep them safely away from You Know Who before he gets the bright idea to adorn his little silk smoking jacket with them.
Speaking of my little nine-pound bundle of joy, we both want to send our very best wishes for a spectacular 2015. May all of your hopes and dreams and wishes come true. May you know nothing but peace and health and happiness the whole year through, and may we all be exactly where we want to be, doing exactly what we want to be doing for the entire lot of it!